Claes-Fredrik Helgesson
Professor med uppdrag som föreståndare för Circus vid Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS)
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- 018-471 38 87
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- 072-999 93 63
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- circus
Urval av publikationer
- (Dis)harmonic styles of valuation (2024)
- Circus Stories (2024)
- Thinking with Imposters: The Imposter as Analytic (2021)
- Styles of Valuation (2020)
- Algorithms as folding (2019)
- Valuations as Mediators Between Science and the Market (2017)
- Folded Valuations? (2016)
- Value Practices in the Life Sciences and Medicine (2015)
- On the nature of markets and their practices (2007)
Senaste publikationer
- (Dis)harmonic styles of valuation (2024)
- Circus Stories (2024)
- A Note on Transitions (2021)
- Thinking with Imposters: The Imposter as Analytic (2021)
- Styles of Valuation (2020)
Alla publikationer
- (Dis)harmonic styles of valuation (2024)
- A Note on Transitions (2021)
- Styles of Valuation (2020)
- Algorithms as folding (2019)
- Five years! Have we not had enough of valuation studies by now? (2018)
- Valuations as Mediators Between Science and the Market (2017)
- Folded Valuations? (2016)
- Epistemologies in the wild (2015)
- Valuation Studies and the Critique of Valuation (2014)
- Values and valuations in market practice (2013)
- New colours and new weight to the study of marketing (2012)
- Political Marketing (2010)
- The mode of exchange and shaping of markets: Distributor influence in the Swedish post-war food industry (2007)
- On the nature of markets and their practices (2007)
- Multiple versions of markets: Multiplicity and performativity in market practice (2006)
- Circus Stories (2024)
- Value Practices in the Life Sciences and Medicine (2015)
- Making a Natural Monopoly: The Configuration of a Techno-Economic Order in Swedish Telecommunications (1999)
- Thinking with Imposters: The Imposter as Analytic (2021)
- On the omnipresence, diversity, and elusiveness of values in the life sciences and medicine (2015)
- Valuography (2015)
- The compound collaborations of clinical registries (2015)
- Data transfer, values, and the holding together of clinical registry networks (2015)
- Political Marketing (2014)
- Den mångfaldiga styrningen i hälso- och sjukvården (2012)
- Den mångfaldiga styrningen i hälso- och sjukvården (2012)
- Den mångfaldiga styrningen i hälso- och sjukvården (2012)
- Ett viktigt bidrag till samtal om vårdens värden (2011)
- Avstånd och datatvätt i stora kliniska läkemedelsprövningar (2011)
- From dirty data to credible scientific evidence (2010)
- Om marknader och marknadsprocesser (2008)
- The Q(u)ALYfying hand: health economies and medicine in the shaping of Swedish markets for subsidized pharmaceuticals (2007)
- Kunskap och regler: En introduktion (2006)
- Mer än en litteraturöversikt: Evidensbaserade kunskaps sammanställningar som regelsättande (2006)
- Initierad ignorans: Om översättningen av kunskap till regler (2006)
- Macro-actors and the sounds of the silenced (2005)
- Explaining economic organisation: The problem of heterogeneous practice (2005)
- Working with key objects of markets: The story about difficulties to unlock the post-office boxes in reforming the postal market in Sweden (2005)
- Om att hålla sig till saken: Industriella artefakter som interaktiva lokus (2004)
- Ekonomiska teoriers verklighetsförankring: Exemplet naturliga monopol och telemarknaders organisering (2004)
- Marknader som praktik – utbyten, normer och bilder (2004)
- Att meka med marknader (2004)
- Idéer om marknaden (2004)
- Constructing a curing commodity: The case of the curing plate (2001)
- Regulation in Network Industries (1999)
- På jakt efter en naturlig ordning: Ansträngningar för att organisera telefonsystemet i Stockholm 1891-1918 (1998)
- När ny teknik blir gammal: Den manuella telefonväxeltekniken efter 1924 (1998)
- Standards as Institutions: Problems with Creating all-European Standards for Terminal Equipment (1995)
- Företagande i en föränderlig politisk miljö: Telia och staten vid ett industripolitiskt vägskäl (1994)
- Organizing shit (2019)
- Who is acting in market society (2013)
- Value practices in the life sciences (2012)
- "Value Practices in the Life Sciences" (2012)
- Valuations of Experimental Designs in Proteomic Biomarker Experiments and Traditional RCTs (2012)
- Valuation practices and personalisation (2012)
- Values on and off display (2011)
- Trials of value (2011)