Johan Lindell
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för informatik och media
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Johan Lindell is an Associate Professor of Media and Communication Studies. Lindell specializes in field theory and the works of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. He has published his research in a wide range of international journals including European Journal of Communication, Cultural Sociology, Communication Theory, Poetics, New Media & Society and Digital Journalism. Lindell is the programme coordinator of the international master's programme Digital Media & Society (DIMS).
- class
- consumption
- cultural sociology
- globalization
- inequality
- journalism
- mass media
- mediatization
- news
- social inequality
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Johan Lindell (PhD, 2014, Karlstad University) is an Associate Professor of Media and Communication Studies.
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Johan Lindell's research area is broad and comprises media use, fields of cultural production, lifestyles and social stratification, mediatization, and the Nordic media system. Lindell specializes in field theory and the works of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu – a framework which he has applied to understand cultural production in the journalistic field, the field of television production, and the scientific field, and to study media and news consumption and lifestyles in terms of social reproduction and inequality.
Lindell has published his research in a wide range of international journals including European Journal of Communication, Communication Theory, Poetics, New Media & Society, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Information, Communication & Society, Cultural Sociology, Media, Culture & Society, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Social Media + Society and Digital Journalism. His most recent book is Bourdieusian Media Studies (Routledge, 2024).
Lindell's research has been awarded "Top Paper" by the Philosophy, Theory and Critique-division (2019 and 2022) and by the Journalism Studies-division (2021) of the International Communication Association. He has also received the Wolfgang Donsbach outstanding article of the year-award (2018).
Urval av publikationer
- The future of the Nordic media model (2024)
- Bourdieusian Media Studies (2024)
- Normative foundations of media welfare (2023)
- Kommunikation (2023)
- Symbolic violence and the social space (2022)
- I'm here! (2022)
- The field of television production (2020)
- Distinction recapped (2018)
- Bringing field theory to social media, and vice-versa (2017)
Senaste publikationer
- Smartphone morality (2025)
- Rethinking media reliance in times of deep mediatization (2024)
- The future of the Nordic media model (2024)
- What’s next for the media welfare state? (2024)
- Introduction (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Smartphone morality (2025)
- The shadowy realm of news avoidance (2024)
- Does it Make a Difference? (2024)
- Media practice and class-making (2024)
- Media policy attitudes and political attitudes (2023)
- Normative foundations of media welfare (2023)
- Disconnecting from digital news (2023)
- Publishing, sharing, and spreading online news (2022)
- Digitalizing the journalistic field (2022)
- Symbolic violence and the social space (2022)
- The media welfare state (2022)
- I'm here! (2022)
- Media and basic desires (2021)
- A Neoliberal Media Welfare State? (2021)
- Introduction (2021)
- Mediatization from within (2021)
- Something ‘Old’, Something‘New’? (2021)
- Book review (2020)
- Battle of the Classes (2020)
- Establishment versus Newcomers, Critical versus Administrative? (2020)
- The field of television production (2020)
- Media Studies for a Mediatized World (2018)
- Distinction recapped (2018)
- Distinctions in the media welfare state (2018)
- Young people, class and the news (2018)
- The Space of Journalistic Work (2018)
- Bringing field theory to social media, and vice-versa (2017)
- Moulding cultural capital into cosmopolitan capital (2017)
- A matter of cultural distinction (2017)
- The elastic mobility of business elites (2016)
- Social reproduktion i Värmland (2016)
- Communication as spatial production (2016)
- Cosmopolitan Journalists? (2016)
- Dimensions of journalistic workplace autonomy (2016)
- News Media Consumption in the Transmedia Age (2015)
- Mediapolis, Where art Thou? (2015)
- Bourdieusian Media Studies (2015)
- Book review: Media and Cosmopolitanism (2015)
- Book review (2015)
- A Methodological Intervention in Cosmopolitanism Research (2014)
- Elysium (2013)
- Medier och Kosmopolitism (2012)
- Beyond ´Distant suffering´ and Pity-Compelled Cosmopolitanism (2012)
- Medierad kosmopolitism (2011)
- The future of the Nordic media model (2024)
- Bourdieusian Media Studies (2024)
- Kommunikation (2023)
- Geomedia Studies (2018)
- Smaken för nyheter (2018)
- Cosmopolitanism in a Mediatized World (2014)
- What’s next for the media welfare state? (2024)
- Introduction (2024)
- Pierre Bourdieu (1979) Distinction (2024)
- Digital Journalism and “Radical Audience Studies” (2024)
- Foreword (2024)
- Den socialpsykologiska traditionen (2023)
- Kommunikationsteoretiska traditioner (2023)
- Vad tycker medborgarna om public service? (2022)
- Disconnection as distinction (2021)
- Pierre Bourdieu (2020)
- Internationella nyheter i svenska medier (2019)
- Introducing Geomedia Studies (2018)
- The taste for news (2018)
- Cosmopolitan journalists? (2018)
- News consumption in the transmedia age (2016)
- Världsmedborgare eller bara utlandsboende? (2016)
- Social reproduktion i Värmland (2016)
- Filterbubblan är klassifierad (2016)
- Skådespelsstaden (2016)
- Distinktioner i medievälfärdsstaten (2016)
- Nyhetsvärdering, omvärldsorientering och regional identitet (2012)
- Rethinking media reliance in times of deep mediatization (2024)
- The craft of Bourdieusian media studies (2024)
- Into the Shadowy Realm of News Avoidance (2024)
- Digital media and self-stigma (2023)
- Digital Journalism and “Radical Audience Studies” (2023)
- Media practice and class-making (2023)
- Class Distinction and Culture Consumption (2023)
- Making ”good use” of mobile media (2022)
- Popular support for the Media Welfare State? (2022)
- Media use, symbolic violence and the social space (2022)
- Mapping media life (2022)
- Disconnecting from digital news (2022)
- Media welfare as a normative concept (2022)
- Where do people withdraw from digital media? (2021)
- A neo-liberal media welfare state? (2021)
- Digitalizing the journalistic field (2021)
- The media welfare state (2021)
- I’m here! (2021)
- An interregnum in Scandinavian Media Policy? (2021)
- Battle of the classes (2020)
- Mediatization as a state of mind? (2020)
- Media and Basic Desires (2019)
- Positions, capitals and values in the Swedish field of television production (2019)
- News Duds and Hits: Sharing on Facebook. The distribution of news in an era of layered gatekeeping (2018)
- Class and media repertoires in Sweden (2018)
- Three dimensions of mediatization (2018)
- Distinctions in the world of news (2017)
- Distinctions in the media welfare state (2017)
- Young people, class and the news (2017)
- Mapping the space of journalistic labor in the new media environment (2016)
- Trading cultural capital for cosmopolitan capital (2016)
- Trading Cultural Capital for Cosmopolitan Capital (2016)
- Elastic mobility (2015)
- On the Reluctant Cosmopolitanism of Kinetic Élites (2015)
- OMNIBUS NEWS: Engagement or bussed? (2015)
- Classified News Consumption (2015)
- Asocial Media Studies (2015)
- "And like that I'm talking to a girl from China, you know" (2015)
- Cosmopolitan Journalists? (2015)
- Autonomy from the inside (2015)
- (Mediated) cosmopolitanism as symbolic violence (2014)
- Searching for Mediapolis (2014)
- Actually Existing Cosmopolitanism, Media Practices and The Social Dynamics within the Nation-state (2014)
- (Mediated) cosmopolitanism as symbolic violence (2014)
- Looking for the ironic spectator, or the limits to media-centric approaches to cosmopolitanization and proper distance (2014)
- Expanding Social Imaginaries (2013)
- The City as Spectacle (2013)
- The Geo-Social Structuration of Mediatized Lifeworlds (2012)
- Mediated Cosmopolitanism? (2011)
- The Cosmopolitan Ethos (2011)
- Media, Power & Cosmopolitanism (2010)