Jan Komorowski


Kort presentation

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Dr. Jan Komorowski is an international leader in the area of Artificial Intelligence for Life Sciences. His research focuses on modelling biological systems from big genomic data with machine learning and statistical methods. At the center of his work are models of complex regulatory mechanisms as they change in response to genetic and environmental factors. Dr. Komorowski has spearheaded applications of rule-based modelling using rough sets and introduced the concept of rule networks.


  • aiv
  • cancer
  • hiv
  • machine learning
  • mcfs
  • metabolomics
  • rosetta
  • transcriptomics
  • type 2 diabetes


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Dr. Komorowski received an MSc in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science at University of Warsaw, Poland, and a PhD in Computer Science at Linköping University, Sweden. Dr. Komorowski was Assistant Professor at Harvard University, Adjunct Professor at MIT, and Full Professor of Computer Science at the Norwegian Institute of Technology in Trondheim, Norway. He was Visiting Professor at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland.

In 2002 he was appointed Full Professor and Chair of Bioinformatics at Uppsala University and Director of the Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics that he lead until 2010. In 2018 he received the honorary title of Kurt Mothes Visiting Professorship of Martin Luther University in Halle, Germany. Dr. Komorowski is also a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa. Currently, Dr. Komorowski is Senior Professor of Bioinformatics and Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study. He also holds an affiliate faculty position Division of Infectious Disease & Translational Medicine Division, University of Washington, Seattle.

Dr. Komorowski has published extensively, among others, in Nature Genetics, Genome Research, Nature, Nucleic Acid Research, Nature Communications and Bioinformatics. He is a well-cited bioinformatician with 7,405 citations at Web of Science and 14,592 at Google Scholar. As of August 2019 his h-indices were: 29 - Web of Science, and 43 - Google Scholar. 20 PhD’s graduated under his advisorship. He contributed to the ENCODE project and is currently a member of the PanCancer consortium. Dr. Komorowski currently holds a prestigious NIH award to develop computational models of immune protection by SIV/HIV vaccines, is a Senior Program Committee Member of the IJCAI 2019 and chaired the 2019 Science for Life Laboratory Summit AI for Life Sciences.


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Jan Komorowski

