Jenny Eriksson Lundström
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för informatik och media
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Kort presentation
Min forskning handlar om AI och etik, kunskapsrepresentation, samt digitalisering och processer för IT och innovation, särskilt nyttogörande av digital teknik: Hur kan en omställning till digitala sammanhang ske och komma individer, näringsliv och samhälle till nytta. Jag är AI4Research Fellow och co-PI i Wasp-HS projektet BioMe. Jag handleder tre doktorander och undervisar på grund-, master- och forskarnivå. Jag är vald lärarrepresentant i områdesnämnden för Humaniora och samhällsvetenskap.
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
After my PhD studies, I have broadened my research scope and agenda. I research AI, digitalization, managing innovation, AI ethics. I particularly take an interest in digitalization and automation in the public sector and issues involving social inclusion. I supervise three PhD Candidates, and I teach at bachelor- master- and PhD-levels. I have served as Head of Department for the Department of Informatics and Media, vice President of the Academic Senate of Uppsala University, as well as Director and President of the Head of Department Council of Campus Observatoriet of Uppsala University. In addition, I have also served as President of the Foundation for Legal Information, a foundation for which I now serve as a member of the working group and the electorial committee
Urval av publikationer
- Body stakes (2024)
- Understanding the Digital Companions of Our Future Generation (2023)
- Value Creation through Machine Learning Using Data Network Effects (2022)
- Thinking responsibly about responsible AI and 'the dark side' of AI (2022)
- Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems (2022)
- How machine learning activates data network effects in business models (2021)
Senaste publikationer
- The Human Observatory for Digital Existence (2024)
- Body stakes (2024)
- Digitalisering, entreprenörsanda och landsbygd (2023)
- Understanding the Digital Companions of Our Future Generation (2023)
- Value Creation through Machine Learning Using Data Network Effects (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Body stakes (2024)
- Understanding the Digital Companions of Our Future Generation (2023)
- Thinking responsibly about responsible AI and 'the dark side' of AI (2022)
- Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems (2022)
- How machine learning activates data network effects in business models (2021)
- The Hipster's Dilemma (2019)
- Encouraging participation in an intra-organizational online idea community (2011)
- Book Reviews (2009)
- Approaching artificial intelligence for games - the Turing Test revisited (2006)
- Managing Open Innovation Technologies (2012)
- Nordic Contributions in IS Research (2012)
- On the Formal Modeling of Games of Language and Adversarial Argumentation (2009)
- The Human Observatory for Digital Existence (2024)
- Digitalisering, entreprenörsanda och landsbygd (2023)
- Information som strategisk resurs (2018)
- Governing is in the Details (2017)
- On Sustaining Sustainability—The Case of Implementing Decision s Based on Policies for a Sustainable Future viaTablets in a Board of a Swedish Housing Corporation (2015)
- An Empirical Account of Fitness-Utility (2014)
- Information som strategisk resurs (2013)
- Value Creation through Machine Learning Using Data Network Effects (2022)
- There is (too much) pragmatics in non-use to be pragmatic about it (2016)
- Anchoring Tablets in Organizational Practices - a Practice Based Approach to the Digitalization of Board Work (2014)
- ANT-Maps (2013)
- Sustainability impact of open innovation software (2012)
- Featuring Sustainability - social sustainability impact of Open Innovation Software (2012)
- Featuring Sustainability - social sustainability impact of Open Innovation Software (2012)
- Towards Context-based Explanations for Teacher Support (2011)
- Modeling Context-based Explanations of an Intelligent Assistant System to Support Teachers (2011)
- A Goal-Oriented Dynamical Computation of Preference of Strategy (2011)
- A Dynamic Metalogic Argumentation Framework Implementation (2011)
- Towards a dynamic metalogic implementation of legal argumentation (2011)
- The Communicative Constitution of an IT-Unit in an Organization Applying Enterprise Architecture (EA) (2011)
- Towards creative open innovation software as facilitators of successful mass customization (2011)
- Aligning IT to Business Goals (2010)
- An Asymmetric Protocol for Argumentation Games in Defeasible Logic (2007)
- Towards Using Metalevel Stratification for Coordinating Agent Strategies. (2007)
- A rule-sceptic characterization of acceptable legal arguments (2007)
- Dialogue games in defeasible logic (2007)
- Argumentation as a metacognitive skill of passing acceptance (2005)
- Approaching artificial intelligence for games (2005)
- A Metalogical Formalization of Legal Argumentation as Game Trees with Defeasible Reasoning (2005)
- Design Principles for Table-based Knowledge Bases (2004)