Pär Ågerfalk
Professor i data och systemvetenskap med samhällsvetenskaplig inriktning vid Institutionen för informatik och media
- Telefon:
- 018-471 10 64
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-425 02 96
- E-post:
- par.agerfalk@im.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Campus Gotland, Cramérgatan 3
621 57 Visby - Postadress:
- Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
621 67 Visby
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Pär Ågerfalk vid Institutionen för informatik och media
- CV:
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- 0000-0002-3241-342X
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Kort presentation
Pär J. Ågerfalk är professor och ämnesansvarig för informationssystem. Hans forskning fokuserar på digitalt agentskap och artificiell intelligens, design av digital infrastruktur samt digital hållbarhet. Han är AIS Fellow och vicepresident för AIS region 2 (Europa, Afrika och Mellanöstern).
- artificial intelligence
- digital practices
- digital sustainability
- information systems
- open innovation
- pragmatism
- software engineering
Pär J. Ågerfalk är professor och innehavare av lärostolen i data- och systemvetenskap med samhällsvetenskaplig inriktning (även kallat informationssystem) vid Uppsala universitet. Han tog sin doktorsexamen i informationssystemutveckling från Linköpings universitet och har innehaft tjänst vid Örebro universitet, University of Limerick, Jönköping International Business School och Lero – The Irish Software Research Center. Professor Ågerfalk är Fellow och Distinguished Member Cum Laude av Association for Information Systems (AIS). Internationellt erkänd för sina arbeten om öppen källkod och distribuerad agil utveckling omfattar hans forskning olika aspekter av orkestrering av digitala praktiker. Han fokuserar för närvarande på digital innovation, digitalt agentskap, hållbar utveckling, e-hälsa och hur pragmatism kan förbättra förståelsen för systemutveckling och konceptuell modellering. Hans arbeten återfinns i flera ledande tidskrifter och konferenser inom informationssystemområdet, inklusive MIS Quarterly, Journal of the AIS och ICIS. Han har varit chefredaktör för European Journal of Information Systems, redaktör för Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, föreståndare för den nationella forskarskolan i Management och IT samt ordförande för AIS Special Interest Group on Pragmatist IS Research (SIGPrag).
Urval av publikationer
- Speaking things into existence (2022)
- Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems (2022)
- Artificial intelligence as digital agency (2020)
- Conceptualizing Workarounds (2019)
- Voicing the Puppet (2018)
- Situational Method Engineering (2014)
- Insufficient theoretical contribution (2014)
- Two-Stage Offshoring (2008)
- Outsourcing to an Unknown Workforce (2008)
Senaste publikationer
- HealthCheck (2024)
- Designing and Evaluating IT Applications for Informal Caregivers (2024)
- Workarounds in information systems research (2023)
- Designing a Persuasive E-Coaching Application for Informal Caregivers (2023)
- Designing a Mobile e-Coaching App for Immigrant Informal Caregivers (2023)
Alla publikationer
- HealthCheck (2024)
- Designing and Evaluating IT Applications for Informal Caregivers (2024)
- Designing a Mobile e-Coaching App for Immigrant Informal Caregivers (2023)
- Design Suggestions for a Persuasive E-coaching Application (2023)
- Designing and Evaluating IT Applications for Informal Caregivers (2023)
- Speaking things into existence (2022)
- The Design of a System for Online Psychosocial Care (2022)
- Addressing climate change through stakeholder-centric information systems research (2022)
- Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems (2022)
- Artificial intelligence as digital agency (2020)
- Information systems in the age of pandemics (2020)
- Artefactual and empirical contributions in information systems research (2020)
- Conceptualizing Workarounds (2019)
- Stimulating academic discourse (2019)
- Voicing the Puppet (2018)
- Going through changes (2018)
- Whither design science research? (2018)
- Pragmatizing the normative artifact (2018)
- Scrutinizing Privacy and Accountability in Online Psychosocial Care (2017)
- Publishing and getting published in EJIS (2015)
- Symbolic Action Research in Information Systems (2014)
- Through the Printing Press (2014)
- Insufficient theoretical contribution (2014)
- Ontological and linguistic metamodelling revisited (2013)
- Snowing, freezing... tweeting? (2013)
- Embracing diversity through mixed methods research (2013)
- MC Sandbox (2012)
- Information technology as a change actant in sustainability innovation (2011)
- Rethinking the Meaning of Identifiers in Information Infrastructures (2010)
- Getting Pragmatic (2010)
- Global software development (2009)
- Towards Structured Flexibility in Information Systems Development (2009)
- Exploring agile values in method configuration (2009)
- Flexible and Distributed Information Systems Development (2009)
- Benefits of global software development (2009)
- Two-Stage Offshoring (2008)
- Outsourcing to an Unknown Workforce (2008)
- The Principle of Identity Cultivation on the Web (2008)
- Global Software Development (2007)
- Software Sourcing in the Age of Open (2015)
- Situational Method Engineering (2014)
- Managing Open Innovation Technologies (2012)
- Nordic Contributions in IS Research (2012)
- Agility Across Time and Space (2010)
- Open Source Software (2010)
- Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Pragmatic Web (2008)
- Sustaining Sustainability (2016)
- Fundamentals of Agile Distributed Software Development (2010)
- Agility Across Time and Space (2010)
- Workarounds in information systems research (2023)
- Designing a Persuasive E-Coaching Application for Informal Caregivers (2023)
- AnhörigCoach: Role of Culture in Persuasive design of E-Coaching Application in the Swedish Context (2022)
- The Role of national culture in the adoption of public e-health systems in Sweden (2021)
- An Educational Interaction Model for Curriculum Design and Evolution (2021)
- Digital Innovation as Design of Digital Practice (2018)
- A Design Science Approach to Information Systems Education (2017)
- On Usefulness in Mandatory Healthcare Settings (2016)
- Software Modelling Languages (2015)
- Not so Shore Anymore (2015)
- Privacy and Accountability in Online Communities (2014)
- The Design of a Multi-layer Scrutiny Protocol to Support Online Privacy and Accountability (2014)
- Boundary Resources Dependency in Third-Party Development from the Developer's Perspective (2013)
- Respondent Behavior Logging (2013)
- Respondent Behavior Logging (2013)
- The Influence of New Product Development on Scrum Practices (2012)
- Identifying Lean Software Development Values (2012)
- Right on track? (2011)
- Mutability Matters (2011)
- The Stolen Identifier (2011)
- Experiences in Global Software Development (2009)
- An Analytic Framework for Design-oriented Research Concepts (2009)
- Method Configuration (2008)
- On the Suitability of Particular Software Development Roles to Global Software Development (2008)
- Innovating the interactive society (2008)
- Benefits of Global Software Development (2008)
- Framing participation in organizational online communities (2008)
- Multi-Grounded Action Research in Method Engineering (2007)
- A reference model for successful Distributed Development of Software Systems (2007)
- Modularization Constructs in Method Engineering (2007)
- Sowing the Seeds of Self (2007)