Anders Ögren
Professor Föreståndare vid Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen; Centrum för företagandets historia
- Besöksadress:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
75120 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 513
751 20 Uppsala
Professor vid Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen
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- 018-471 42 76
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- Besöksadress:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10 - Postadress:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
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- FD, docent
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Kort presentation
I was recruited as full professor at Uppsala University in 2021. Previous positions and lengthier research stays at Barnard C/Columbia U, Lund U, Paris Nanterre U, Sciences Po Paris, SSE, Stern School of Business/NYU. My research focuses on financial and monetary history, macroeconomic history, business history and history of economic thought. Recently I have also added Viking economics.
Urval av publikationer
- Discipline or international balance (2022)
- New institutional economics in Viking studies (2022)
- Unlimiting Unlimited Liability (2021)
- The political economy of banking regulation (2021)
- Predictors of bank distress: The 1907 crisis in Sweden (2021)
- Currency Unions (2019)
- Names, shares and mortgages: the formalisation of Swedish commercial bank lending, 1870–1938 (2019)
- “A neglected contribution to monetary theory in the eighteenth century: Anders Wappengren on paper money, floating exchange rates, and purchasing power parity” (2016)
- The gold standard peripheries (2012)
- Convergence and divergence of national financial systems (2010)
- The Swedish financial revolution (2010)
- Financial revolution and economic modernisation in Sweden (2009)
- Multiple paper monies in Sweden, 1789-1903 (2008)
- Free or central banking? (2006)
Senaste publikationer
- Johan Palmstrüch, a Copper Money Doctor: Stockholm Banco and the Emergence of Banknotes in Seventeenth Century Sweden (2024)
- Money Doctors Around the Globe A Historical Perspective (2024)
- The highs and the lows (2023)
- Kronan svaret på 1800-talets europrojekt (2023)
- Discipline or international balance (2022)
Alla publikationer
- The highs and the lows (2023)
- Kronan svaret på 1800-talets europrojekt (2023)
- Discipline or international balance (2022)
- Olämplig registrering av individers åsikter (2022)
- Slutreplik (2022)
- New institutional economics in Viking studies (2022)
- Central Bank Cooperation and Lending of Last Resort in the Scandinavian Monetary Union (2022)
- Unlimiting Unlimited Liability (2021)
- The political economy of banking regulation (2021)
- Predictors of bank distress: The 1907 crisis in Sweden (2021)
- Names, shares and mortgages: the formalisation of Swedish commercial bank lending, 1870–1938 (2019)
- “A neglected contribution to monetary theory in the eighteenth century: Anders Wappengren on paper money, floating exchange rates, and purchasing power parity” (2016)
- Banks and Swedish financial crises in the 1920s and 1930s (2011)
- Financial revolution and economic modernisation in Sweden (2009)
- Multiple paper monies in Sweden, 1789-1903 (2008)
- Free or central banking? (2006)
- Money Doctors Around the Globe A Historical Perspective (2024)
- The gold standard peripheries (2012)
- Convergence and divergence of national financial systems (2010)
- The Swedish financial revolution (2010)
- Empirical Studies in Money, Credit and Banking (2003)
- Johan Palmstrüch, a Copper Money Doctor: Stockholm Banco and the Emergence of Banknotes in Seventeenth Century Sweden (2024)
- Establishing legitimacy in a new fiancial system (2019)
- Currency Unions (2019)
- The Financial Revolution in Sweden, 1650 – 1900 (2013)
- Banks and Swedish financial crises in the 1920s and 1930s (2012)
- Central banking and monetary policy in Sweden during the long nineteenth century (2012)
- Den olycksaliga entreprenören (2012)
- The case for the peripheries (2012)
- The Euro and the gold (2012)
- The Swedish financial revolution (2010)
- Determining National Financial Systems (2010)
- One Hundred and Fifty Years of Financial Crises in Sweden (2003)