Madeleine Granvik
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Naturresurser och Hållbar utveckling; Baltic University Programme
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Kort presentation
Madeleine Granvik PhD, Associate Professor in landscape planning. For 22 years I worked at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, conducting research in planning for sustainable development and management of urban-rural interactions, with focus on Food Systems Planning. I have also a background in the field of sustainable communities and densification as a planning strategy. Since 2020 I am a senior lecturer at NRHU and since 2017 the Director of the Baltic University Programme.
- agricultural land
- baltic sea region
- densification as planning strategy
- food policy
- food security
- food systems
- food systems planning
- local food systems
- resilience
- spatial planning
- sustainable communities
- urban-rural interaction
Associate Professor in landscape planning with focus on Food Systems Planning. Several empirical studies on policy, planning and practice related to local food systems have been conducted in a Swedish context but also in a Baltic Sea Region perspective in the latest 15 years. Since 2020 I am affiliated at the research program Natural Resources and Sustainable Development at Uppsala University and since 2017 having the position as the Director of the Baltic University Programme, Uppsala University.
Ongoing research:
The research project Integrated planning – municipalities’ and regional actors’ roles and collaborations for resilient regional food systems, financed by Formas for four years, started January 2022. The project explores how municipalities work with development of regional and local resilient food systems. The research intends to identify barriers, opportunities, innovative approaches, as well as possible ways to strengthen local food systems and integrated planning – both within municipalities, between municipalities and between municipalities and other regional and local key actors. The project contributes to research on securing food supply by conducting a national study on municipalities' strategies, planning tools and working methods, which is then followed by studying strategies, planning tools and working methods. Case studies in three selected municipalities aim to deepen the understanding of their conditions and working methods in planning practice. Interviews will be conducted with civil servants from different departments in the three selected municipalities. In parallel, analyzes are made of the work of regional and local key actors. Co-production of knowledge with regional and local key actors is used to strengthen the municipalities’ capacity promoting resilient food supply and food preparedness. The case studies will be analysed out from a resilience capacities framework.
There are 290 municipalities in Sweden which fulfil several different important societal functions related to food such as land and water planning, environmental and health protection, food procurement, public meals, civil defense and emergency preparedness. Municipalities have, considering their many areas of responsibilities and authorisation, a potential to support local resilient food systems.
The research project Resilient food supply in Eastern Mid-Swedish municipalities - policy, planning and practice with a focus on food preparedness and preservation of agricultural land in a local and regional perspective financed by Formas for three years, started January 2023. The project contributes to research on food supply, food preparedness, and preservation of agricultural land, focusing mainly on municipal policy, planning, and practice in the 88 municipalities in Eastern Mid-Sweden. It aims to study how municipal policies and plans address food supply in relation to food preparedness and agricultural land, and how these are translated into practice. Further, the project seeks to explore how/if municipalities contribute to, and what potential there is for, fostering integrated policy, planning, and practice on local food supply, food preparedness and preservation of agricultural land; to identify barriers, opportunities and goal conflicts in municipal work at the intersection of these issues; as well as to examine innovative approaches and opportunities for strengthening collaborations within and between municipalities, and between municipalities and other local and regional actors. The research is conducted through analysis of data from a survey and text analysis of municipal policies and plans in the municipalities studied. In-depth studies are then conducted in three of the 88 municipalities to gain a deeper understanding of how municipalities work with issues related to food supply, agricultural land, and food preparedness. In the selected municipalities, interviews with civil servants and other actors will be conducted, and co-production workshops will be carried out with in collaboration with municipal representatives and other stakeholders.
Some publications:
Andersson, M., Granvik, M., Milestad, R. (2024). Breaking the silos: An integrated planning approach for resilient local food systems, insights from Swedish municipalities. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. In review
Granvik, M., Andersson, M., Milestad, R. (2024). Resilient local food systems on the municipal agenda? - the "state of the art" in Swedish municipalities. Food security. In review
Ambros, P., Juhola, S. and Granvik, M. (2024). Agricultural Production Diversity in the EU countries of the Baltic Sea Region: prospects for resilient food systems and food security. Agriculture and food security. In review
Berg, P.G., Eriksson, F., Granvik, M., Hedfors, P and Eriksson, T. (2024). Values of Urban Greening – Voices of Residents on Highly Intensive Densification (HID) in a Swedish Case Study, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,
Andersson, M., Granvik, M., Holmström, A., Milestad, R. (2024). Kommunen – en ledande aktör för framtidens livsmedelsförsörjning? Kommuners arbete för lokala livsmedelssystem och livsmedelsberedskap. Rapport, Uppsala universitet
Granvik, M. (2024). Funktionell förtätning – med utgångspunkt i människors upplevelser och platsers förutsättningar. In: Den byggda formens betydelse, Boverket.
Ambros, P., Granvik, M. . (2020) Trends in Agricultural Land in EU Countries of the Baltic Sea Region from the Perspective of Resilience and Food Security. Sustainability, 12, 5851; https://doi:10.3390/su12145851
Bergquist, D.; Garcia-Caro, D.; Joosse, S.; Granvik, M.; Peniche, F. (2020) The Sustainability of Living in a “Green” Urban District: An Emergy Perspective. Sustainability, 12, 5661;
Berg, P. & Granvik, M. (2018). Funktionell täthet – att balansera täthet och rymlighet i svenska städer. In: Olshammar, G,; Olsson, K. and Siesjö, B. Hus mot himlen hållbar hybris? Bokförlaget Arena. Malmö. ISBN 978-91-7843-521-0.
Franzese, P.P., Pastorella, F., Paletto, A., Nikodinoska, N. and Granvik, M. (2017) Assessing, valuing and mapping ecosystem services at city level. The case of Uppsala (Sweden). Ecological Modelling
Granvik, M., Joosse, S., Hunt, A. and Hallberg, I. (2017) Confusion and Misunderstanding – Interpretations and Definitions of Local Food. Sustainability, 9, 1981,
Randrup, T., Delshammar, T. and Granvik, M. (Ed.) (2016) Governance and green urban areas, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research., 28:3, 1-189.
Granvik, M., Jacobsson, T., Blix-Germundsson, L. and Larsson, A. (2015) ‘The approach of Swedish municipalities to the preservation of agricultural land in a planning context’, Int. J. Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp.190–204.
Granvik, M. & Hedfors, P. (2015) Evergreen issues of planning? Learning from history for sustainable urban-rural systems landscapes, European Journal of Spatial Development, Online publication date: December 2015.
Callau, S. & Granvik, M. (2015). I am not an urban farmer. Am I? In: Lohrberg, F.; Licka, L.; Scazzosi, L. and Timpe, A. (Eds.) Urban Agriculture Europe. jovis Verlag GmbH. Berlin. ISBN 978-3-86859-371-612.2015.
Granvik, M. & Larsson, A. (2015). Kommunens arbete med jordbruksmarkens värden – ett stödverktyg. Jordbruksverket.
Berg, P.G. Granvik, M. Eriksson, T. och Hedfors, Per (2015). FOMA-Manualen – Verktyg och Procedurer för att fortlöpande följa upp effekter av förtätning i svenska kommuner. Rapport SLU Landskap.
Granvik, M. and Berg, P.G. (Ed.) (2014) Densification as a planning strategy. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research., 26:2, 1-206.
Ignatieva, M. and Granvik, M. (Ed.) (2013) Green Infrastructure – from global to local. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 25:2, pp. 1-274.
Granvik, M. (2013) Interaktion mellan stad och land i fysisk planering - Lokaliseringsprocesser för livsmedelssystem i Sveriges kommuner. In: Bonow, M.; Rytkönen, P. & Wramner, P. (Eds.) Från matproduktion till gastronomi. Institutionen för Livsvetenskaper, Södertörns högskola.
Berg, P.G., Ignatieva, M., Granvik, M. and Hedfors, P. (2013) Green-blue Infrastructure in Urban-Rural Landscapes – introducing Resilient Citylands. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research. 25:2, pp. 11-42.
Granvik, M. (2012) The Localisation of Food Systems - An Emerging Issue for Swedish Municipal Authorities. International Planning Studies, 17:2, pp. 113-124.
Berg, P.G., Granvik, M. & Hedfors P. (2012) Functional Density – A Conceptual Framework in a Townscape Areas Context. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 24:2, pp. 29-46.
Granvik, M., Lindberg, G., Stigzelius, K-A., Fahlbeck, E. and Surry, Y. (2012) Prospects of multifunctional agriculture as a facilitator of sustainable Rural Development: Swedish experience of Pillar 2 of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Norwegian Journal of Geography, 66:3, pp. 155-166.
Berg, PG, Eriksson, T. & Granvik, M. (2010) Micro-comprehensive Sustainability Planning in Baltic Urban Areas. Engineering Sustainability 163 (ES4): pp. 219-232. Nominated to ICE’s annual Awards-for-Papers competition 2010.
Granvik, M. (2009). The gendering of work and everyday life in the Swedish countryside. Norwegian Journal of Geography. 63:3, pp. 215-217.
Granvik, M, Berg. P.G. & Berglund, U. (2008). Implementation of the Habitat-agenda - residents' interest and actions in citizen participation processes – a comparison of residential areas in Sweden and Russia. Refereed articles, July 2008, European Journal of Spatial Development. URL:
Granvik, M. (2005). Habitat-agendan – förutsättningar för implementering i ryska bostadsområden. Nordisk Østforum Nr. 2, 2005: 203-220.
Granvik, M. (2000). Miljö och hållbar samhällsutveckling: Är Petrozavodsk redo för lokalt Agenda 21-arbete? Nordisk Østforum 14(1): 47-55.
Senaste publikationer
- Kommunen – en ledande aktör för framtidens livsmedelsförsörjning? (2024)
- Values of urban greening (2024)
- Trends in Agricultural Land in EU Countries of the Baltic Sea Region from the Perspective of Resilience and Food Security (2020)
- The Sustainability of Living in a "Green" Urban District (2020)
Alla publikationer
- Values of urban greening (2024)
- Trends in Agricultural Land in EU Countries of the Baltic Sea Region from the Perspective of Resilience and Food Security (2020)
- The Sustainability of Living in a "Green" Urban District (2020)