Anna Rutgersson
Professor i meteorologi vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Luft-, vatten- och landskapslära; Meteorologi
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Kort presentation
Professor i meteorologi, med forskning som inriktar sig på interaktionen mellan hav (sjöar) och atmosfär och processer som påverkar turbulens i atmosfären samt utbyte mellan vatten och luft av impuls, värme, vattenånga och växthusgaser. Även fokus på extremväder i ett föränderligt klimat.
Interaktionen mellan hav och atmosfär är en viktig länk i klimatsystemet eftersom den beskriver skiljeytan mellan de två dominerande sfärerna. Utbyte av impuls (dvs. friktionen), värme, vattenånga såväl som andra gaser (t ex koldioxid) är av stor betydelse för såväl hav som atmosfär.
Forskningen som jag och min grupp bedriver bygger på att analysera mätningar och att utveckla och använda modeller. Med hjälp av mätningar och finskaliga modeller kan vi förstå och beskriva de processer som styr utbytet mellan hav (och sjöar) och atmosfär, samt turbulens i atmosfären. Med hjälp av ökad förståelse kan vi förbättra beskrivningarna (parameteriseringarna) av dessa processer i regionala och globala modeller som används för väderprognoser, klimatscenarier eller biogeokemi i haven.
Vi fokuserar bland annat på hur ytvågorna påverkar turbulens i atmosfären. Det är av stor betydelse eftersom atmosfärens turbulens påverkar bland annat omblandning, vind, gränsskiktets höjd samt ett stort antal sekundära parametrar. Mätningar av koldioxidutbyte ger också information om havens roll i den globala kolcykeln.
Hav och sjöar är viktiga komponenter som sänka/källa för växthusgaser för atmosfären. Förståelse för de fysikaliska processer i ytan som påverkar utbytet är viktiga för att kunna göra scenarier för framtida koncentrationer i atmosfären, vilket är viktigt för att kunna beskriva globala klimatförändringar samt försurning av världshaven.
Extremväder är en aspekt av klimatförändringarna som är central för hur mänskligheten påverkans, vi studerar hur havsytan påverkar utveckling av extremväder och förändringar i frekvens och intensitet i kustzonen.
Urval av publikationer
- Climate Change and Offshore Wind Energy in the Baltic Sea (2024)
- A review of surface swell waves and their role in air-sea interactions (2024)
- Perspectives on shipping emissions and their impacts on the surface ocean and lower atmosphere (2023)
- On physical mechanisms enhancing air-sea CO2 exchange (2022)
- Natural hazards and extreme events in the Baltic Sea region (2022)
- Mapping coastal upwelling in the Baltic Sea from 2002 to 2020 using remote sensing data (2022)
- Non-local Impacts on Eddy-Covariance Air–Lake CO2 Fluxes (2021)
- Assessment of Extreme and Metocean Conditions in the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone for Wave Energy (2020)
- Using land-based stations for air–sea interaction studies (2020)
- Enhanced Air–Sea Exchange of Heat and Carbon Dioxide Over a High Arctic Fjord During Unstable Very-Close-to-Neutral Conditions (2019)
- Measurement of air-sea methane fluxes in the Baltic Sea using the eddy covariance method (2019)
- Measurements and Modelling of Offshore Wind Profiles in a Semi-Enclosed Sea (2019)
- Ocean‐Wave‐Atmosphere Interaction Processes in a Fully Coupled Modeling System (2019)
- Ship Emissions and the use of current air cleaning technology (2017)
- Characteristics of convective snow bands along the Swedish east coast (2017)
- Enhanced nighttime gas emissions from a lake (2016)
- Diel cycle of lake-air CO2 flux from a shallow lake and the impact of waterside convection on the transfer velocity (2015)
- The impact of waves and sea spray on modelling storm track and development (2015)
- Diurnal cycle of lake methane flux (2014)
- Observed changes and variability of atmospheric parameters in the Baltic Sea region during the last 200 years (2014)
- Oceanic convective mixing and the impact on air-sea gas transfer velocity (2011)
- A Global View on the Wind Sea and Swell Climate and Variability from ERA-40 (2011)
- Enhancement of CO2 transfer velocity due to water-side convection (2010)
- A case study of air-sea interaction during swell conditions (1999)
Senaste publikationer
- Technical note (2024)
- Influence of data source and copula statistics on estimates of compound flood extremes in a river mouth environment (2024)
- Climate Change and Offshore Wind Energy in the Baltic Sea (2024)
- Impact of sea spray-mediated heat fluxes on polar low development (2024)
- A review of surface swell waves and their role in air-sea interactions (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Technical note (2024)
- Influence of data source and copula statistics on estimates of compound flood extremes in a river mouth environment (2024)
- Climate Change and Offshore Wind Energy in the Baltic Sea (2024)
- Impact of sea spray-mediated heat fluxes on polar low development (2024)
- A review of surface swell waves and their role in air-sea interactions (2024)
- Sea spray emissions from the Baltic Sea (2024)
- Diel, seasonal, and inter-annual variation in carbon dioxide effluxes from lakes and reservoirs (2023)
- Bulk Transfer Coefficients Estimated From Eddy-Covariance Measurements Over Lakes and Reservoirs (2023)
- Modelling the flow response to surface heterogeneity during a semi-idealized diurnal cycle (2023)
- Perspectives on shipping emissions and their impacts on the surface ocean and lower atmosphere (2023)
- Quantifying the role of antecedent Southwestern Indian Ocean capacitance on the summer monsoon rainfall variability over homogeneous regions of India (2023)
- Quantifying uncertainties in CERES/MODIS Downwelling radiation fluxes in the global tropical oceans (2023)
- Role of source terms in parameterizing wave decay in the marginal ice zones (2022)
- On physical mechanisms enhancing air-sea CO2 exchange (2022)
- The sea surface heat flux at a coastal site (2022)
- Climate change in the Baltic Sea region (2022)
- Outdoor environmental effects on cleanrooms – A study from a Swedish hospital pharmacy compounding unit (2022)
- Natural hazards and extreme events in the Baltic Sea region (2022)
- Spatio-temporal variability of atmospheric rivers and associated atmospheric parameters in the Euro-Atlantic region (2022)
- Mapping coastal upwelling in the Baltic Sea from 2002 to 2020 using remote sensing data (2022)
- Non-local Impacts on Eddy-Covariance Air–Lake CO2 Fluxes (2021)
- Coupled regional Earth system modeling in the Baltic Sea region (2021)
- Air–sea CO2 exchange in the Baltic Sea—A sensitivity analysis of the gas transfer velocity (2021)
- The human exposome and health in the Anthropocene (2021)
- Response of Point-Absorbing Wave Energy Conversion System in 50-Years Return Period Extreme Focused Waves (2021)
- Turbulence in a small boreal lake (2021)
- Vertical divergence of the atmospheric momentum flux near the sea surface at a coastal site (2021)
- Cyanobacteria net community production in the Baltic Sea as inferred from profiling pCO2 measurements (2021)
- Critical Observations of Gaseous Elemental Mercury Air-Sea Exchange (2021)
- Momentum Flux Balance at the Air-Sea Interface (2021)
- Global Trends in Air-Water CO2 Exchange Over Seagrass Meadows Revealed by Atmospheric Eddy Covariance (2021)
- Water temperature control on CO2 flux and evaporation over a subtropical seagrass meadow revealed by atmospheric eddy covariance (2021)
- Comparative Analysis of Environmental Contour Approaches to Estimating Extreme Waves for Offshore Installations for the Baltic Sea and the North Sea (2021)
- Remote Sensing Supported Sea Surface pCO(2) Estimation and Variable Analysis in the Baltic Sea (2021)
- Summary of a workshop on extreme weather events in a warming world organized by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (2020)
- On the First Observed Wave-Induced Stress Over the Global Ocean (2020)
- Amplitude modulation of wind turbine sound in cold climates (2020)
- Impact of low-level wind maxima below hub height on windturbine sound propagation (2020)
- Energy absorption from parks of point-absorbing wave energy converters in the Swedish exclusive economic zone (2020)
- Single Column Model Simulations of Icing Conditions in Northern Sweden (2020)
- Sea-Surface Stress Driven by Small-Scale Non-stationary Winds (2020)
- Assessment of Extreme and Metocean Conditions in the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone for Wave Energy (2020)
- Statistics of sea-effect snowfall along the Finnish coastline based on regional climate model data (2020)
- Using land-based stations for air–sea interaction studies (2020)
- Flow over a snow-water-snow surface in the high Arctic, Svalbard (2020)
- Enhanced Air–Sea Exchange of Heat and Carbon Dioxide Over a High Arctic Fjord During Unstable Very-Close-to-Neutral Conditions (2019)
- On possibilities to estimate local concentration variations with CFD-LES in real urban environments (2019)
- Measurement of air-sea methane fluxes in the Baltic Sea using the eddy covariance method (2019)
- Characterization of Wave Energy Potential for the Baltic Sea with Focus on the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone (2019)
- Constraining the Oceanic Uptake and Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases by Building an Ocean Network of Certified Stations (2019)
- Measurements and Modelling of Offshore Wind Profiles in a Semi-Enclosed Sea (2019)
- Modification of the Baltic Sea wind field by land-sea interaction (2019)
- Are We in the Right Path in Using Early Warning Systems? (2019)
- Ocean‐Wave‐Atmosphere Interaction Processes in a Fully Coupled Modeling System (2019)
- Wave effects on coastal upwelling and water level (2019)
- The Transition from Downward to Upward Air–Sea Momentum Flux in Swell-Dominated Light Wind Conditions (2018)
- Regional precipitation estimations in Central America using the Weather Research and Forecast model (2018)
- Evaluating humidity and sea salt disturbances on CO2 flux measurements (2018)
- The potential future contribution of shipping to acidification of the Baltic Sea (2018)
- Vertical Profiles of Wave-Coherent Momentum Flux and Velocity Variances in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Laye (2018)
- Air-sea gas transfer in high Arctic fjords (2017)
- Can weather generation capture precipitation patterns across different climates, spatial scales and under data scarcity? (2017)
- Ship Emissions and the use of current air cleaning technology (2017)
- Characteristics of convective snow bands along the Swedish east coast (2017)
- The influence of short-term variability in surface water pCO2 on modelled air-sea CO2 exchange (2017)
- The early rainy season in Central America (2017)
- The Role of the Meridional Sea Surface Temperature Gradient in Controlling the Caribbean Low-Level Jet. (2017)
- The potential of using remote sensing data to estimate air-sea CO2 exchange in the Baltic Sea (2017)
- A Case Study of Offshore Advection of Boundary Layer Rolls over a Stably Stratified Sea Surface (2017)
- Shipping and the environment (2017)
- Atmospheric boundary layer turbulence closure scheme for wind-following swell conditions (2017)
- Surface Wave Impact When Simulating Midlatitude Storm Development (2017)
- Using eddy covariance to estimate air-sea gas transfer velocity for oxygen (2016)
- Seasonal and diurnal patterns in the dispersionof SO2 from Mt. Nyiragongo (2016)
- Interannual variability of the midsummer drought in Central America and the connection with sea surface temperatures (2016)
- Variability of the Caribbean low-level jet during boreal winter (2016)
- Using Satellite Data to estimate partial pressure of CO2 in the Baltic Sea (2016)
- Methane fluxes from a small boreal lake measured with the eddy covariance method (2016)
- Stable conditions over the Baltic sea: model evaluation and climatology (2016)
- Swell impact on wind stress and atmospheric mixing in a regional coupled atmosphere-wave model (2016)
- Surface Stress over the Ocean in Swell-Dominated Conditions during Moderate Winds (2015)
- Modelling the contributions to marine acidification from deposited SOx, NOx, and NHx in the Baltic Sea (2015)
- Remote sensing the sea surface CO2 of the Baltic Sea using the SOMLO methodology (2015)
- Remote sensing the sea surface CO2 of the Baltic Sea using the SOMLO methodology (2015)
- Diel cycle of lake-air CO2 flux from a shallow lake and the impact of waterside convection on the transfer velocity (2015)
- Upper-ocean mixing due to surface gravity waves (2015)
- The impact of waves and sea spray on modelling storm track and development (2015)
- Using a High-Frequency Fluorescent Oxygen Probe in Atmospheric Eddy Covariance Applications (2014)
- Estimating volcanic ash hazard in European airspace (2014)
- An Earth System Science Program for the Baltic Sea Region (2014)
- Turbulent momentum flux characterisation using extended multiresolution analysis (2014)
- Progress in physical oceanography of the Baltic Sea during the 2003-2014 period (2014)
- Biogeochemical Control of the Coupled CO2–O2 System of the Baltic Sea (2014)
- Comparison of floating chamber and eddy covariance measurements of lake greenhouse gas fluxes (2014)
- Diurnal cycle of lake methane flux (2014)
- Observed changes and variability of atmospheric parameters in the Baltic Sea region during the last 200 years (2014)
- Influence from Surrounding Land on the Turbulence Measurements Above a Lake (2014)
- Deposition of acidifying and neutralising compounds over the Baltic Sea drainage basin between 1960 and 2006 (2013)
- Air–Sea Interaction Features in the Baltic Sea and at a Pacific Trade-Wind Site (2013)
- Influence of Coastal Upwelling on the Air-Sea Gas Exchange of CO2 in a Baltic Sea Basin (2013)
- Impact of improved air–sea gas transfer velocity on fluxes and water chemistry in a Baltic Sea model (2013)
- A global perspective on Langmuir turbulence in the ocean surface boundary layer (2012)
- Applying a Mesoscale Atmospheric Model to Svalbard Glaciers (2012)
- Convective boundary-layer structure in the presence of wind-following swell (2012)
- Methods for Estimating Air-Sea Fluxes of CO2 Using High-Frequency Measurements (2012)
- Future changes in the Baltic Sea acid-base (pH) and oxygen balances (2012)
- Introducing surface waves in a coupled wave-atmosphere regional climate model (2012)
- Comments on “A global climatology of wind-wave interaction” by Kirsty E. Hanley, S. E. Belcher, and P. Sullivan (2011)
- Comments on "A Global Climatology of Wind-Wave Interaction" (2011)
- Oceanic convective mixing and the impact on air-sea gas transfer velocity (2011)
- A Global View on the Wind Sea and Swell Climate and Variability from ERA-40 (2011)
- Observed carbon dioxide and oxygen dynamics in a Baltic Sea coastal region (2011)
- Evaluation of a roughness length model and sea surface properties with data from the Baltic Sea (2010)
- Flux attenuation due to sensor displacement over sea (2010)
- Enhancement of CO2 transfer velocity due to water-side convection (2010)
- Impact of surface waves in a regional climate model (2010)
- Impact of swell on simulations using a regional atmospheric climate model (2009)
- Investigating the effect of a wave-dependent momentum flux in a process oriented ocean model (2009)
- Atmospheric CO2 variation over the Baltic Sea and the impact on air–sea exchange (2009)
- Wave induced wind in the marine boundary layer (2009)
- Momentum fluxes and wind gradients in the marine boundary layer (2008)
- The annual cycle of carbon dioxide and parameters influencing the air-sea carbon exchange in the Baltic Proper (2008)
- Re-evaluation of the bulk exchange coefficient for humidity at sea during unstable and neutral conditions (2008)
- Spectra of CO2 and water vapour in the marine atmospheric surface layer (2008)
- Influence of a new turbulence regime on the global air-sea heat fluxes (2008)
- Modelling sensible and latent heat fluxes over sea during unstable, very close to neutral conditions (2007)
- Evaluation of the heat balance components over the Baltic Sea using four gridded meteorological databases and direct observations (2005)
- Investigating the effects of water waves on the turbulence structure in the atmosphere using direct numerical simulations (2005)
- Precipitation and evaporation budgets over the Baltic Proper: observations and modelling (2005)
- Net precipitation over the Baltic Sea for one year using several methods (2003)
- The development of the coupled regional ocean-atmosphere model RCAO (2002)
- Net precipitation over the Baltic Sea during present and future climate conditions (2002)
- Measured and simulated latent and sensible heat fluxes at two marine sites in the Baltic Sea (2001)
- Precipitation Estimates over the Baltic Sea: Present State of the Art (2001)
- The use of conventional stability parameters during swell (2001)
- Closing the water and heat cycles of the Baltic Sea (2000)
- A comparison between long term measured and modeled sensible heat and momentum fluxes using a High Resolution Limited Area Model (HIRLAM) (2000)
- A case study of air-sea interaction during swell conditions (1999)
- On possibilities to estimate concentration variations with CFD in urban environments
- Using DOAS traverses and atmospheric modelling to determine plumeheight and eruption rate of the 2015 Holuhraun eruption
- Modelling the effects of surface heterogeneity on the internal boundary layer during a diurnal cycle
- Interannual variability of the midsummer drought in Central America and the connection with sea surfacetemperatures
- Air-Sea momentum flux characterization in the presence of wind-following swell
- Turbulent flux characterization using extended multiresolution analysis
- Global Distribution of the Wave Age Parameter
- Offshore wind speed profiles
- Interannual variability of the midsummer drought in Central America and the connection with sea surface temperatures (2016)
- Enhanced nighttime gas emissions from a lake (2016)
- Air-sea gas transfer for two gases of different solubility (CO2 and O2) (2016)
- How Wind and Water Temperature drives Sea Spray Emissions In Situ based on Eddy Covariance Fluxes, (2015)
- Physically driven seasonal changes in sea spray aerosol emissions (2014)
- How swell increases the stress over the ocean (2012)
- Influences of surface gravity waves on atmospheric boundary layer structure and fluxes (2012)
- Introducing surface waves in a coupled wave-atmosphere regional climate model (2012)
- Effect of swell waves on the marine atmospheric boundary layer - an inter-comparison study (2012)
- Atmospheric boundary layers influenced by convection and surface waves (2010)
- Matching wind profiles - a question of long streaks (2010)
- Flux attenuation due to sensor displacement over sea (2008)
- A Comparison between Webb corrected Humidity and CO2 Spectra in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (2007)
- Modelling new processes controlling the turbulent fluxes over sea (2006)
- Bulk Exchange Coefficient for Humidity at Sea during Unstable and Neutral Conditions: A Re-evaluation based on new Field Data (2006)
- Modelling new processes controlling the turbulent heat fluxes over sea in numerical models (2005)
- Evaluation of water cycle and energy budget over the Baltic Sea using the ERA40 database (2004)
- Sensitivity in calculation of turbulent fluxes over sea to the state of the surface waves (2004)
- New Findings Concerning the Exchange of Sensible Heat And Water Vapor Over the Ocean (2004)
- Investigating the effects of water waves on the turbulence structure in the atmosphere using direct numerical simulations (2003)
- Observation and modelling of surface fluxes over the sea (2000)
- Rivers in the sky (2022)
- Large-eddy simulations during wind-following swell in stable atmospheric boundary layers (2013)