Karin Glimskär Stålberg
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Reproduktiv hälsa
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- 018-611 57 65
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- karin.stalberg@uu.se
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- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1 tr
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Mitt forskningsområde rör olika aspekter av gynekologisk cancer och jag är kliniskt verksam som överläkare i tumörkirurgi vid Kvinnokliniken, Akademiska Sjukhuset, där jag är medicinskt ledningsansvarig läkare.
Många av mina publicerade och pågående arbeten rör epidemiologi vid framför allt livmoderkroppscancer och äggstockscancer. Nationellt är jag medlem i forskargruppen "Svenska Gynekologiska Cancergruppen" (SweGCG, https://www.swegcg.se/ ) och vi har publicerat en rad studier framför allt baserat på Kvalitetsregistret för Gynekologisk Cancer.
Inom Uppsala Universitet har jag ett flertal samarbetsprojekt. Jag är ansvarig för insamlingen till tumörbiobanken UCAN inom gynekologi. Där samlas blod/plasma/tumörmaterial in för framtida studier men också ett omfattande material av livskvalitetenkäter. Vi bedriver, tillsammans med kollegor på Institutionen för Genetik och Patologi ett stort translationellt arbete med syfte att ta fram proteinpaneler för att, om möjligt, hitta vägar att diagnosticera gynekologisk cancer tidigt eller helst som ett screeninginstrument. Vi har framförallt baserat våra resultat på serumprover, men har nu även en växande provsamling med vaginalvätska på torra kort, vilket på sikt, skulle kunna möjliggöra hemprovtagning.
Inom vår egen institution har vi en grupp med intresse för psykologiska och sociala effekter av gynekologisk cancer. Med olika verktyg, såsom enkäter och djupintervjuer vill vi kartlägga hur kvinnor, och dess familjer, påverkas av en gynekologisk cancer. Vilka riskfaktorer finns för att må dåligt efter sin diagnos och behandling? Vad tycker man saknas inom vården? På sikt vill vi använda denna kunskap för att förbättra vårt omhändertagande.
På Kvinnokliniken bedriver vi även kliniska studier. Vi deltar i den nationella RACC-studien, där kvinnor med tidig livmoderhalscancer randomiseras till öppen eller robotassisterad laparoskopisk kirurgi. Som enda klinik i Sverige deltar vi i den internationella studien OVHIPEC 2, där kvinnor med äggstockscancer randomiseras till varm cytostatika i buken (HIPEC) i samband med kirurgi eller endast kirurgi.
Senaste publikationer
- Has time to chemotherapy from primary debulking surgery in advanced ovarian cancer an impact on survival? (2024)
- Application of PET/MRI in Gynecologic Malignancies (2024)
- Toward ovarian cancer screening with protein biomarkers using dried, self-sampled cervico-vaginal fluid (2024)
- Compositional and functional differences of the vaginal microbiota of women with and without cervical dysplasia (2024)
- Parenting under pressure (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Has time to chemotherapy from primary debulking surgery in advanced ovarian cancer an impact on survival? (2024)
- Application of PET/MRI in Gynecologic Malignancies (2024)
- Toward ovarian cancer screening with protein biomarkers using dried, self-sampled cervico-vaginal fluid (2024)
- Compositional and functional differences of the vaginal microbiota of women with and without cervical dysplasia (2024)
- Parenting under pressure (2024)
- Cost Analysis of Lymphadenectomy and Lymphedema One Year after Surgery for Endometrial Cancer (2024)
- Next generation pan-cancer blood proteome profiling using proximity extension assay (2023)
- Advanced gynecological cancer (2023)
- The Complexity of Being a Parent in the Hospital and a Patient at Home (2023)
- Psychosocial interventions targeting parenting distress among parents with cancer (2023)
- Ex vivo assessment of cancer drug sensitivity in epithelial ovarian cancer and its association with histopathological type, treatment history and clinical outcome (2022)
- Noninvasive detection of any-stage cancer using free glycosaminoglycans (2022)
- Data-driven analysis of a validated risk score for ovarian cancer identifies clinically distinct patterns during follow-up and treatment (2022)
- Next Generation Plasma Proteomics Identifies High-Precision Biomarker Candidates for Ovarian Cancer. (2022)
- The wait time to primary surgery in endometrial cancer - impact on survival and predictive factors (2022)
- Long-term incidence of endometrial cancer after endometrial resection and ablation (2022)
- Parity is associated with better prognosis in ovarian germ cell tumors, but not in other ovarian cancer subtypes (2022)
- Impact of lymphadenectomy and lymphoedema on health-related quality of life 1 year after surgery for endometrial cancer. A prospective longitudinal multicentre study (2022)
- Survival in endometrial cancer in relation to minimally invasive surgery or open surgery (2021)
- Implementation of National Guidelines increased survival in advanced ovarian cancer (2021)
- The Peritoneal Cancer Index is a Strong Predictor of Incomplete Cytoreductive Surgery in Ovarian Cancer. (2021)
- Preoperative and intraoperative assessment of myometrial invasion in endometrial cancer-A Swedish Gynecologic Cancer Group (SweGCG) study (2021)
- Validation of F-18-FDG PET/MRI and diffusion-weighted MRI for estimating the extent of peritoneal carcinomatosis in ovarian and endometrial cancer (2021)
- Advanced gynaecological cancer (2021)
- "There should be some kind of checklist for the soul" - A qualitative interview study of support needs after end of treatment for gynecologic cancer in young women (2021)
- Peritoneal cancer index predicts severe complications after ovarian cancer surgery (2021)
- Risk factors for lymphedema and method of assessment in endometrial cancer (2021)
- Preoperative Fasting and General Anaesthesia Alter the Plasma Proteome (2020)
- Primary treatment and relative survival by stage and age in vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (2020)
- Reply to Fabio Carboni, MD, PhD and Mario Valle, MD, FACS Regarding Our Recently Published Article "Peritoneal Cancer Index is a Strong Predictor of Incomplete Cytoreductive Surgery in Ovarian Cancer" (2020)
- Perceptions of care after end-of-treatment among younger women with different gynecologic cancer diagnoses (2020)
- ASO Author Reflections (2020)
- Incidence of lymphedema in the lower limbs and lymphocyst formation within one year of surgery for endometrial cancer (2020)
- No survival difference between robotic and open radical hysterectomy for women with early-stage cervical cancer (2019)
- Identification of Candidate Plasma Protein Biomarkers for Cervical Cancer Using the Multiplex Proximity Extension Assay (2019)
- Primary treatment patterns and survival of cervical cancer in Sweden (2019)
- High throughput proteomics identifies a high-accuracy 11 plasma protein biomarker signature for ovarian cancer (2019)
- Robot-assisted approach to cervical cancer (RACC) (2019)
- Lymphovascular space invasion as a predictive factor for lymph node metastases and survival in endometrioid endometrial cancer (2019)
- A two-step strategy for identification of plasma protein biomarkers for endometrial and ovarian cancer (2018)
- U-CAN (2018)
- Gynecologists are afraid of prescribing hormone replacement to endometrial/ovarian cancer survivors despite national guidelines-a survey in Sweden (2018)
- Lymph node metastases as only qualifier for stage IV serous ovarian cancer confers longer survival than other sites of distant disease - a Swedish Gynecologic Cancer Group (SweGCG) study (2018)
- Women treated for gynaecological cancer during young adulthood (2018)
- Data quality in the Swedish Quality Register of Gynecologic Cancer - a Swedish Gynecologic Cancer Group (SweGCG) study (2018)
- Population-based study of survival for women with serous cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, peritoneum or undesignated origin - on behalf of the Swedish gynecological cancer group (SweGCG) (2017)
- Risk factors for lymph node metastases in women with endometrial cancer (2017)
- An Integrative Genomic Analysis of Formalin Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Archived Serous Ovarian Carcinoma Comparing Long-term and Short-term Survivors (2016)
- Risk Factors For Lymph Node Metastases In Women With Endometrial Cancer (2016)
- A population-based study of pelvic serous carcinoma in Sweden (2015)
- Complications Related To Surgery For Ovarian Cancer With Intestinal Involvement (2015)
- The influence of comorbidity on mortality in ovarian cancer patients (2014)
- Socioeconomic characteristics, housing conditions and criminal offences among women with cervical neoplasia (2013)
- The Influence of Co-Morbidity on Mortality in Ovarian Cancer Patients (2013)
- Evaluation of prevalent and incident ovarian cancer co-morbidity (2012)
- Evaluation of prevalent and incident ovarian cancer co-morbidity (2012)
- Prenatal exposure to medicines and the risk of childhood brain tumor (2010)
- Prenatal ultrasound exposure and children’s school performance at age 15-16; follow-up of a randomised controlled trial (2009)
- Prenatal ultrasound and the risk of childhood brain tumour and its subtypes (2008)
- Prenatal ultrasound scanning and the risk of schizophrenia and other psychoses (2007)
- Prenatal X-ray and childhood brain tumours (2007)
- A narrow pelvic outlet increases the risk for emergency cesarean section. (2006)
- Association between parity, histopathological tumor features and survival in high-grade serous ovarian cancer