Homo politicus: etnografiska perspektiv
7,5 hp
Litteraturlista, Grundnivå, 5KA208
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Huvudgrupp 1
- Barth, Fredrik, Ethnic groups and boundaries: the social organization of culture difference, Prospect Heights, Ill., Waveland Press, inc., 1998, c1969Obligatorisk
- Wydra, Harald; Thomassen, Bjørn, Handbook of political anthropology, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, [2018]Obligatorisk
- Anderson, Benedict R. O'G., Imagined communities: reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism, Revised edition., London, Verso, 2016 (Tematisk läsning)
- Morris, Rosalind C., Can the subaltern speak?: reflections on the history of an idea, New York, Columbia University Press, 2010 (Tematisk läsning)
- Povinelli, Elizabeth A., The cunning of recognition: indigenous alterities and the making of Australian multiculturalism, Durham, Duke University Press, 2002 (Tematisk läsning)
- Said, Edward W., Orientalism: [Western conceptions of the Orient], Repr. with a new afterword, London, Penguin, 1995 (Tematisk läsning)
* Obligatorisk