Vetenskapsteori för samhällsvetare
7,5 hp
Litteraturlista, Avancerad nivå, 2EH406
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Huvudgrupp 1
- Butler, Judith, Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire, Ingår i: Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity, New York, Routledge, 1999Obligatorisk
- Chalmers, Alan F., What is this thing called science?, 4. ed., Maidenhead, Open University Press/McGraw-Hill Education, 2013Obligatorisk
- Daston, Lorraine; Galison, Peter, The Image of Objectivity, Ingår i: Representations., nr. 40, 1992Obligatorisk
- Descartes, René; Moriarty, Mike., Meditations on first philosophy: with selections from the Objections and replies, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008Obligatorisk
- Durkheim, ©mile; Lukes, Steven.; Halls, W. D., The rules of sociological method: and selected texts on sociology and its method, Free Press trade paperback ed., New York, Free Press, 2014Obligatorisk
- Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich; Arthur, C. J., The German ideology.: Part one, London, Electric Book Co., c2001Obligatorisk
- Schuetz, Alfred, Common-Sense and Scientific Interpretation of Human Action, Ingår i: Philosophy and phenomenological research: a quarterly journal, vol. 14, nr. 1, 1953Obligatorisk
- Taylor, Charles, Interpretation and the Sciences of Man, Ingår i: Review of Metaphysics, vol. 25, nr. 1, 1971, s. 3–51Obligatorisk
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