Utvecklingsstudier B

30 hp

Litteraturlista, Grundnivå, 2SK031

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(En)Gendering International Development

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Sociala rörelser och politisk förändring i utvecklingsländer/ Social movements and political change in developing countries

  • Artiklar (Ofullständig och PRELIMINÄR.Almeida, P. and Stearns, L. B., 1998, "Political opportunities and local grassroots environmental movements: The case of Minamata", Social Problems, 45:37–60Benford, Robert D., and David A Snow, 2000, 'Framing Processes and Social Movements: An Overview and Assessment', Annual Review of Sociology, 26: 611–39Bratton, Michael and Nicolas van de Walle, 1992, "Popular Protest and Political Reform in Africa", Comparative Politics, 24:419–442Franceschet, S., 2004, "Explaining Social Movement Outcomes: Collective Action Frames and Strategic Choices in First- and Second-Wave Feminism inChile." Comparative Political Studies 37:499–530Fraser, Nancy, 1995, 'From Redistribution to Recognition? Dilemmas of Justice in a 'Post-Socialist' Age', New Left Review 212, 19 pagesHeyes, Cressida, 2008, "Identity Politics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = . (27 s)Keck, Margaret E., and Kathryn Sikkink, 1999, 'Transnational advocacy networks in international and regional politics', 89–101Moksnes, Heidi, 2005, "Suffering for Justice in Chiapas: Religion and the Globalization of Ehnic Identity", Journal of Peasant Studies, 32:584–607Munson, Ziad, 2001, 'Islamic Mobilization: Social Movement Theory and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood', The Sociological Quarterly 42: 487–510Niezen, Ronald, 2000, "Recognizing Indigenism: Canadian Unity and the International Movement of Indigenous Peoples" Comparative Studies in Society and History, 42: 119–148.Noonan, Rita K., 1995, 'Women Against the State: Political Opportunities and Collective Action Frames in Chile's Transition to Democracy', Sociological Forum 10:81–111Straughn, Jeremy B., 2005, ''Taking the State at Its Word': The Arts of Consentful Contention in the German Democratic Republic', American Journal of Sociology 1010, 1598–1650)
  • Tarrow, Sidney G., Power in movement: social movements and contentious politics, 2. ed., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998

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