Annika Waern
Professor vid Institutionen för informatik och media
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Kort presentation
Annika Waern, professor in HCI at the dept. of Informatics and Media. Annika has done research in the design and use of mobile technology with a strong focus on physical and pervasive games.
- embodied interaction
- game design
- play design
- sustainable development
I have been employed at Uppsala University since April 2013. For more information about my research and my previous publications, please visit my blog.
Senaste publikationer
- Why Larp? (2024)
- Nature and digitalization challenging the traditional playground (2024)
- Reimagining Machine Learning's Role in Assistive Technology by Co-Designing Exergames with Children Using a Participatory Machine Learning Design Probe (2023)
- Edu-larp @ CHI (2023)
- Intercorporeal Biofeedback for Movement Learning (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Why Larp? (2024)
- Nature and digitalization challenging the traditional playground (2024)
- Intercorporeal Biofeedback for Movement Learning (2023)
- Playing Games with Tito (2021)
- Pervasive Games Ten Years Later A Roundtable Discussion with Markus Montola, Jaakko Stenros, and Annika Waern (2020)
- Designing for Transformative Play (2017)
- Framing IxD knowledge (2015)
- Ubiquitous Service Access through Adapted User Interfaces on Multiple Devices (2005)
- The Ubiquitous Interactor - Device Independent Access to Mobile Services (2004)
- Playing with Structure
- Introduction (2022)
- Hybrid Museum Experiences (2022)
- Vår teknikrelation med AI (2022)
- Sensitizing Design Teams to Theory (2022)
- Remediating, Reframing and Restaging the Museum (2022)
- Designing for Interpersonal Museum Experiences (2020)
- The DigiPhysical Playscape (2020)
- Experimental game design (2017)
- I’m in love with someone who doesn’t exist! (2015)
- Experimental Game Design (2015)
- Communicating the obvious (2014)
- Reimagining Machine Learning's Role in Assistive Technology by Co-Designing Exergames with Children Using a Participatory Machine Learning Design Probe (2023)
- Edu-larp @ CHI (2023)
- Design Resources in Movement-based Design Methods (2023)
- Physical Warm-up Games (2021)
- The Design Space of Wearables for Sports and Fitness Practices (2021)
- Moving Embodied Design Education Online (2021)
- Training Body Awareness and Control with Technology Probes (2020)
- Training Technology Probes Across Fitness Practices (2020)
- Sensitizing Scenarios: (2020)
- Moving Towards a Journal-centric Publication Model for CHI (2019)
- Larping (Live Action Role Playing) as an Embodied Design Research Method (2019)
- Using Training Technology Probes in Bodystorming for Physical Training (2019)
- Circus, Play and Technology Probes (2019)
- Super Trouper (2019)
- Enlightened Yoga: (2019)
- BalBoa: A Balancing Board for Handstand Training (2019)
- Towards Algorithmic Experience (2018)
- GIFT: Hybrid Museum Experiences through Gifting and Play (2018)
- Playing Close to Home: (2018)
- Frictional Realities (2018)
- Exteriorizing Body Alignment in Collocated Physical Training (2018)
- Sensory bodystorming for collocated physical training desig (2018)
- Movement Correction in Instructed Fitness Training (2018)
- Design, Appropriation, and Use of Technology in Larps (2017)
- Activity as the Ultimate Particular of Interaction Design (2017)
- Designing Children’s Digital-Physical Play in Natural Outdoors Settings (2016)
- Designing for Children's Outdoor Play (2016)
- Embodied Sketching (2016)
- Playification (2016)
- The Ethics of Unaware Participation in Public Interventions (2016)
- Play, Participation and Empowerment (2016)
- DigiFys (2015)
- Affective and bodily involvement in children’s tablet play (2015)
- Embarrassing Interactions (2015)
- Trust and Intimate Interaction in Nordic Larp (2015)
- Codename Heroes – Designing for Experience in Public Places in a Long Term Pervasive Game (2014)
- Gaming in the crucible of science (2014)
- "We are two strong women" (2013)
- The Design Space of Body Games (2013)
- The Design Space of Body Games: Technological, Physical, and Social Design (2013)
- Game Analysis as a Signature Pedagogy of Game Studies (2013)