Terry Hartig
Professor i miljöpsykologi, särskilt boendemiljöfrågor vid Institutet för bostads- och urbanforskning (IBF)
- Telefon:
- 018-471 65 32
- E-post:
- Terry.Hartig@ibf.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Trädgårdsgatan 18
- Postadress:
- Box 514
751 20 UPPSALA
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Terry Hartig vid Institutet för bostads- och urbanforskning (IBF)
Professor i miljöpsykologi, ssk boendemiljöfrågor vid Institutionen för psykologi; Avdelningen för Klinisk psykologi
- Fax:
- 026-420 65 01
- E-post:
- Terry.Hartig@ibf.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Von Kraemers allé 1A och 1C
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 1225
751 42 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- PhD, MPH, docent
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Kort presentation
Min forskning handlar om restorativa miljöer, där vi kan återhämta oss relativt snabbt när vi är stressade och mentalt trötta. De platser jag fokuserar på i min forskning är sådana som många bryr sig om – hemmet, grannskapet och naturen. Min grundläggande drivkraft är att främja hälsa och välbefinnande bland människor samt skydd av biologisk mångfald.
- hållbar stadsutveckling
- sustainable development
I have studied restorative environments and nature experience since the early 1980s. After moving from Michigan to California, I completed degrees at Orange Coast College (AA, 1982), the University of California at Santa Cruz (BA, 1984), the University of California at Irvine (MA, 1990; PhD, 1993), and the University of California at Berkeley (MPH, 1994). I began work at Uppsala University after completing postdoctoral training at Berkeley in 1996. Once here I added the residential context of health to the set of topics on which to focus research efforts, which today encompass work and institutional as well as leisure and residential settings. With training in environmental psychology, social ecology, and social epidemiology, I apply diverse theoretical perspectives and methodological tools in formulating and addressing research questions. This has enabled me to get involved with studies of widely varying kind, including but not limited to theoretical analyses, literature reviews, small-scale laboratory and field experiments concerned with basic issues of restorative process and mechanism, large-scale surveys on attitudes toward nature and environmental protection, and time series studies on phenomena of constrained and collective restoration in entire populations. In much of this work I have over the years had the privilege and pleasure of collaborating with thoughtful, dedicated scholars from leading universities and research institutes throughout the world.
Ongoing Projects:
The residential context of health
Cities that sustain us
Urban nature and public health
Environmental attitudes and ecological behaviour
Environmental Influences on psychological restoration processes
Senaste publikationer
- On the importance of qualitative research in environmental psychology-- response to Ratcliffe et al. (2024) (2024)
- Wildlife and the restorative potential of natural settings (2024)
- Vulnerability and fascination with wildlife encounters and psychological restoration in local natural settings (2024)
- Wildlife and public perceptions of opportunities for psychological restoration in local natural settings (2024)
- Eco-ethical care for people and the planet (2024)
Alla publikationer
- On the importance of qualitative research in environmental psychology-- response to Ratcliffe et al. (2024) (2024)
- Wildlife and the restorative potential of natural settings (2024)
- Vulnerability and fascination with wildlife encounters and psychological restoration in local natural settings (2024)
- Wildlife and public perceptions of opportunities for psychological restoration in local natural settings (2024)
- Eco-ethical care for people and the planet (2024)
- A novel indicator of selection in utero (2023)
- A Work Time Control Tradeoff in Flexible Work (2023)
- Nature-based biopsychosocial resilience (2023)
- More green, less lonely? (2022)
- Green space and loneliness (2022)
- Restoration Skills Training in a Natural Setting Compared to Conventional Mindfulness Training (2022)
- Twinning during the pandemic (2021)
- Sildenafil and suicide in Sweden (2021)
- Die Erholungsperspektive (2021)
- Appraisals of Wildlife During Restorative Opportunities in Local Natural Settings (2021)
- Pathways linking biodiversity to human health (2021)
- Visiting nearby natural settings supported wellbeing during Sweden's "soft-touch" pandemic restrictions (2021)
- An Actual Natural Setting Improves Mood Better Than Its Virtual Counterpart (2020)
- Collective Optimism and Selection Against Male Twins in Utero (2020)
- Analytical approaches to testing pathways linking greenspace to health (2020)
- Special Project on Climate Change (2020)
- Associations between greenspace and mortality vary across contexts of community change (2020)
- The International Conference on Environmental Psychology (2020)
- Mindfulness-Based Restoration Skills Training (ReST) in a Natural Setting Compared to Conventional Mindfulness Training (2020)
- Window View to the Sky as a Restorative Resource for Residents in Densely Populated Cities (2020)
- Social support in the company canteen (2019)
- Nature and mental health (2019)
- Residential greenspace is associated with mental health via intertwined capacity-building and capacity-restoring pathways (2019)
- A natural meditation setting improves compliance with mindfulness training (2019)
- Nature-Based Interventions for Improving Health and Wellbeing (2019)
- Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing (2019)
- Capturing the Environmental Impact of Individual Lifestyles (2018)
- Urban residential greenspace and mental health in youth (2018)
- Multiple pathways link urban green- and bluespace to mental health in young adults (2018)
- Special Issue (2018)
- Environmental Strategies of Affect Regulation and Their Associations With Subjective Well-Being (2018)
- Building mindfulness bottom-up (2018)
- Conceptualising creativity benefits of nature experience (2018)
- Letter to the editor: Attention restoration in natural environments (2017)
- Attentional Effort of Beginning Mindfulness Training Is Offset With Practice Directed Toward Images of Natural Scenery (2017)
- Exploring pathways linking greenspace to health (2017)
- Twinning in Norway Following the Oslo Massacre (2016)
- Garden greenery and the health of older people in residential care facilities (2016)
- Living in cities, naturally (2016)
- An Experimental Field Study of the Effects of Listening to Self-selected Music on Emotions, Stress, and Cortisol Levels (2016)
- Urban Options for Psychological Restoration (2016)
- Traffic-related exposures, constrained restoration, and health in the residential context (2016)
- Individualized Guided Internet-delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Chronic Pain Patients with Comorbid Depression and Anxiety (2015)
- Do macroeconomic contractions induce or 'harvest' suicides? (2015)
- Twins Less Frequent Than Expected Among Male Births in Risk Averse Populations (2015)
- Effects of urban street vegetation on judgments of restoration likelihood (2015)
- The association between green space and mental health varies across the lifecourse. A longitudinal study (2014)
- Very low birthweight (2014)
- Emotional well-being and time pressure (2014)
- Driving Detroit (2014)
- Nature and health (2014)
- Appreciation of nature and appreciation of environmental protection (2014)
- Cold summer weather, constrained restoration, and very low birth weight in Sweden (2013)
- Vacation, collective restoration, and mental health in a population (2013)
- Environmental Protection and Nature as Distinct Attitudinal Objects (2013)
- Science-policy challenges for biodiversity, public health and urbanization (2013)
- Architectural variation, building height, and the restorative quality of urban residential streetscapes (2013)
- Quality attributes of public transport that attract car users (2013)
- Psychological detachment in the relationship between job stressors and strain (2013)
- Occupational engagement as a constraint on restoration during leisure time in forest settings (2013)
- Population-level restoration phenomena and development of research on restorative environments (2012)
- Restoration and restorative environments (2012)
- Health benefits of a view of nature through the window (2012)
- Green cities and health (2012)
- Musik leder till bättre folkhälsa (2012)
- Adaptation to windowlessness (2011)
- A prospective study of group cohesiveness in therapeutic horticulture for clinical depression (2011)
- A prospective study of existential issues in therapeutic horticulture for clinical depression (2011)
- Psychological Benefits of Walking (2011)
- Assessing restorative components of small urban parks using conjoint methodology (2011)
- Environmental attitude as a mediator of the relationship between in nature and self-reported ecological behavior (2010)
- Leisure home ownership and early death (2010)
- Therapeutic horticulture in clinical depression (2010)
- Reviving Campbell's paradigm for attitude research (2010)
- Effects of an indoor foliage plant intervention on patient well-being during a residential rehabilitation program (2010)
- Preference for Restorative Situations (2010)
- The psychological benefits of indoor plants (2009)
- Therapeutic horticulture in clinical depression (2009)
- Leisure home ownership, access to nature, and health (2009)
- Restorative qualities of indoor and outdoor exercise settings as predictors of exercise frequency (2009)
- Components of small urban parks that predict the possibility for restoration (2009)
- Restoratieve omgevingen (2009)
- Green space, psychological restoration, and health inequality (2008)
- Psychological benefits of indoor plants in workplaces (2007)
- Cold summer weather, constrained restoration, and the use of antidepressants in Sweden (2007)
- Psychological restoration in nature as a source of motivation for ecological behaviour (2007)
- The telework tradeoff (2007)
- Preference for nature in urbanized societies (2007)
- Where best to take a booster break? (2006)
- Functional bases for meanings of dwellings (2006)
- Healing gardens - Places for nature in healthcare /invited essay/ (2006)
- Housing tenure and early retirement for health reasons in Sweden (2006)
- The need for psychological restoration as a determinant of environmental preferences (2006)
- Population stress and the Swedish sex ratio (2005)
- Do Europeans really consider the affordability of prescriptions in their neighbourhoods more important than access to open spaces and parks? (2004)
- Alone or with a friend (2004)
- A role for ecological restoration work in university environmental education (1999)
- The restorative environment and salutogenesis (2022)
- Restorativeenvironments and health (2017)
- Restorative Environments (2017)
- The restorative environment (2017)
- A Complementary Concept for Salutogenesis Studies (2017)
- Restorative housing environments (2012)
- Urban nature as a resource for public health (2012)
- Music, subjective well-being, and health: The role of everyday emotions. (2012)
- Music, subjective well-being, and health (2012)
- Health benefits of nature experience (2011)
- Health benefits of nature experience (2011)
- Health benefits of nature experience (2011)
- Restorative environmental design: What, when, where, and for whom? (2008)
- Congruence and Conflict between Car Transportation and Psychological Restoration (2007)
- Three steps to understanding restorative environments as health resources (2007)
- Space and place - two aspects of the human-landscape relationship (2007)
- Teorier om restorativa miljöer - förr, nu och i framtiden (2005)
- Linking preference for environments with their restorative quality (2005)
- Considerations for future education in integrative landscape research (2005)
- Restoration in nature (2021)
- Effects of the Restoration Skills Training (ReST) Course on the Ability to Cope with and Attain Restoration from Stress and Fatigue (2017)
- Contrasting Views and Practices of Rest: Rest with Nature View versus None, and Guided Practice in Mindfulness of Nature Scenery versus Mindfulness of Breath (2017)
- Restorative effects of nature experience (2016)
- Mixed mythical metaphors for meta-analysis (2016)
- Greener neighbourhoods, healthier lives? (2013)
- Caring for a vulnerable cognitive resource (2013)
- Window view to the sky as a restorative resource for residents of a densely populated city (2013)
- Issues in restorative environments research (2011)
- Forest recreation, psychological restoration, and health (2010)
- The restoration perspective in soundscape research (2010)
- Multiple residence and health (2010)
- Attentional effort and restoration in mindfulness meditation training (2010)
- Adaptation to windowlessness (2008)
- The association between indoor plants, stress, productivity and sick leave (2008)
- Leisure home ownership in relation to death before retirement in Sweden (2008)
- The restoration perspective (2008)
- The psychology of sustainability (2008)
- Restoration in nature as a promoter of conservation (2008)
- Psychological restoration in nature as a source of motivation for environmental conservation (2008)