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Litteraturlista, Grundnivå, 2SK059

Det finns en senare version av litteraturlistan.

Demokratins problem/ Problems of Democracy

  • Dahl, Robert A., On democracy, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1998
  • Grugel, Jean, Democratization: a critical introduction, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2002
  • Phillips, Anne, The Politics of Presence, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998 (Kommentar: Phillips bok är också tillgänglig i en svensk översättning från Studentlitteratur med namnet Närvarons politik. Översättningen har dock stora språkliga brister varför vi avråder för att använda den svenska versionen av boken. Vidare finns den engelska versionen tillgänglig som e-bok på databasen Oxford Scholarship Online som man kommer åt gratis via universitetsbibliotekets hemsida.)

Politisk teori/ Political Theory

Svensk politik och förvaltning/ Swedish Politics and Public Administration

  • Artiklar (Jonas Hinnfors (2008) The Puzzling Lack of a Social Dilemma, Scandinavian Political Studies 31 (1), pp. 69–90. Ladda ner: Arts, Wilhelm, och John Gelissen, Three Worlds of Capitalism or More? A state of the art report, Journal of European Social Policy, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 137–158. Ladda ner: Walter, Power Resources and Employer Centered Approaches in Explanations of Welfare States and Varieties of Capitalism: Protagonists, Consenters, and Antagonists. World Politics 58.2 (2006) 167–206. Ladda ner:, Paul, The New Politics of the Welfare State. World Politics, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 143–79. Ladda ner:, Peter, The Politics of Welfare Retrenchment: A Literature Review. Social Policy and Administration, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 104–120. Ladda ner:, Michael Baggesen, Why are they doing it? Social democracy and marketoriented welfare state reforms, West European Politics,30:1, 172 - 194.Dietmar Rauch (2006) Institutional Fragmentation, Institutional Engineering and the Development of Elderlycare and Childcare in Sweden. Scandinavian Political Studies 29 (4), 285–307. Ladda ner:, Karen, The Politics of Retrenchment in a Social Democratic Welfare State. Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 34, No. 9, 1063–1091 (2001). Ladda ner:, Anders, Obfuscating Retrenchment: The Swedish Welfare Policy in the 1990s. Journal of Public Policy vol 27, no. 2, 129–150 (2007). Ladda ner:, Walter och Joakim Palme, New Politics and Class Politics in the Context of Austerity and Globalisation. American Political Science Review, vol. 97, no. 3, 425–446 (2003). Ladda ner:
  • Esping-Andersen, Gøsta, The three worlds of welfare capitalism, Cambridge, Polity, 1990 (pp. 7–34)
  • Lindbom, Anders, The Swedish conservative party and the welfare state :b institutional change and adapting preferences (
  • Rothstein, Bo; Studieförbundet Näringsliv och samhälle, Vad bör staten göra?: om välfärdsstatens moraliska och politiska logik., 2., [rev.]uppl., Stockholm, SNS förl., 2002 (Angered
  • Swenson, Peter A., Capitalists against markets: the making of labor markets and welfare states in the United States and Sweden, New York, Oxford University Press, cop. 2002 (Chapters 1, 11 and 12.)

Internationell politik/ Studing World Politics in the 21st Century: Enduring & Contemporary Issues: International Politics

Metod/ Methods

