Ion Beam Materials Analysis, 5 credits
Jonstrålebaserad Materialanalys
Course information
Language of instruction: English
Course period: 4
Campus teaching or online teaching: On campus
Recommended prerequisites
Basic Physics (mechanics, electrostatics, some basic quantum mechanics), basic mathematics, basic computer skill & data treatment.
Learning outcomes
The course aims to instruct interested students about the analytical potential of non-destructive ion-beam based material analysis. It will present, and interactively explain, the underlying fundamental physics necessary to enable PhD-students to plan and perform experiments using energetic ion beams. It will enable students to make decisions on the applicability of the individual methods for their research problems. Students will also learn to analyze data from experiments they perform themselves, and put the results they obtain in context with results from other experimental approaches.
Learning outcomes for doctoral degree
The course provides specific knowledge for researchers in need of materials analysis methods, directly addressing the points listed under "methods and understanding". The set-up of the course, in particular lab-exercises where students are expected to bring samples from their own research projects, addresses the upper points in the list on "Competence and skills"; as students must assess how the available methodology contributes best to their specific research question. Students are also expected to learn the capabilities and limitations of the broad portfolio of methods discussed, with respect to their own projects and science in general. As many other common materials science methods are assessed in the course, this is expected to contribute to the development of a broad overview of available technologies. As students are, upon completing the course, "trained users" of the facility, they can independently apply for beam time for both themselves and others. The ability to apply for beamtime on behalf of their colleagues, also permits the students an opportunity to take responsibility for others, fulfilling the first listed point under "Judgement and approach".
Course contents
Fundamentals of Ion-Surface interaction: interaction with target nuclei, interaction with target electrons; Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), Medium-energy ion scattering (MEIS), Elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), Particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE), micro beam applications, Nuclear reaction analysis (NRA), ion implantation, software for evaluation of IBA experiments, Instrumentation for IBA experiments, RBS and ERDA laboratory exercises (preferably using samples from the course participants), exercises, short quizzes and presentations (assignments) of selected topics by the participants.
Lectures with interactive moments, group-works on simulation programs with 3 teachers (2x2 hours), Lab-visit (2h), 2 half-3/4 day lab-exercises at the tandem accelerator.
Lab reports, hand-in exercises.
Course examiner
Daniel Primetzhofer,
Department with main responsibility
Physics and Astronomy
Contact person
Robert Frost,
Submit the application for admission to:
Submit the application not later than: 1st of February 2025