Utvecklingsstudier C

30 hp

Litteraturlista, Grundnivå, 2SK041

Det finns en senare version av litteraturlistan.


Tragedy of the Commons? Climate Change, Energy and the Politics of Resource management

Readings for seminar

Readings for seminar

  • Eriksen, P B m.fl., System Operation with High Wind Penetration, IEEE power & energy magazine Nov/Dec pp.65-74, 2005Obligatorisk
  • Leijon, M m.fl., On the physics of power, energy and economics of renewable electric energy sources - Part I, Renewable Energy, 2009Obligatorisk (Article in press)
  • Skoglund, A m.fl., On the physics of power, energy and economics of renewable electric energy sources - Part II, Renewable Energy, 2009Obligatorisk (Article in press)
  • Weisser, Daniel, A guide to life-cycle green-house gas (GHG) emissions from electric supply technologies, Energy, 32:1543-1559, 2006Obligatorisk

Readings for seminar

  • Afionis, Stavros, The European Union as a negotiator in the international climate change regime, Ingår i: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, vol. 11, nr. 4, 2011, s. 341–360Obligatorisk
  • Vogler, John, The European contribution to global environmental governance, Ingår i: International affairs, vol. 81, nr. 4, 2005, s. 835–850Obligatorisk
  • Karlsson, Christer m.fl., The Legitimacy of Leadership in International Climate Change Negotiations, Ambio, 2012Obligatorisk (forthcoming, will be posted at Studentportalen)

Readings for seminar

Egen undersökning (uppsatsarbete)/Independent Study (thesis work)

Ingen obligatorisk litteratur utöver den studenten använder för uppsatsarbetet.

No compulsory literature except the literature the student needs to carry out the thesis work.

* Obligatorisk

