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Litteraturlista Genusteori
Introducerande litteratur
Dessa böcker introducerar det genusteoretiska fältets övergripande teoriutveckling på olika sätt om du inte är förtrogen med genusvetenskap som fält sedan tidigare eller vill ha vidare hjälp med att sätta in kursens teman och texter i ett större sammanhang.
- Connell, Raewyn; Pearse, Rebecca, Om genus, 3., [omarb. och uppdaterade] uppl., Göteborg, Daidalos, 2015
- Price, Janet; Shildrick, Margrit, Feminist theory and the body: a reader, New York, Routledge, c1999
- Lykke, Nina, Genusforskning: en guide till feministisk teori, metodologi och skrift, 1. uppl., Stockholm, Liber, 2009 (Finns även elektroniskt på engelska)
- Tollin, Katharina; Törnqvist, Maria, Feminism i rörliga bilder, 2., utök. uppl., Stockholm, Liber, 2014
För mer specifika läsanvisningar se terminens schema.
- Ahmed, Sara, Att leva feministiskt, Hägersten, Tankekraft Förlag, 2017Obligatorisk (Läses på svenska eller engelska)
- Ahmed, Sara, Living a feminist life, Durham, Duke University Press, 2017Obligatorisk (Läses på svenska eller engelska)
- Ahmed, Sara, A Phenomenology of Whiteness, Ingår i: Feminist theory., vol. 8, nr. 2, 2007, s. 149–168 (Finns även online på svenska. Se kursens läsanvisningar.)
- Ahmed, Sara, On Collective Feelings, or the Impressions Left by Others, Ingår i: Theory, culture & society., vol. 20, nr. 1, 2004, s. 25–42
- Alarcon, Norma, The Theoretical Subjects of This Bridge Called My Back and Anglo- American Feminism, Ingår i: Making face, making soul: Haciendo caras: creative and critical perspectives by feminists of color, 1. ed., San Francisco, Aunt Lute Books, cop. 1990, s. 356–366
- Arruzza, Cinzia; Bhattacharya, Tithi; Fraser, Nancy, Feminism for the 99 percent: a manifesto, London, Verso, 2019 (s. 1–59 Finns även online. Se kursens läsanvisningar.)
- Bilge, Sirma, Whitening Intersectionality: Evanescence of Race in Intersectionality Scholarship, Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2015 (Texten finns att låna på Centrum för genusvetenskap)
- Braidotti, Rosi, Difference, Diversity and Nomadic subjectivity,, Online artikel här:
- Butler, Judith, Is kinship always already heterosexual?, Ingår i: Differences: a journal of feminist cultural studies, vol. 15, nr. 1, 2002, s. 14–44
- Carby, Hazel V., White Woman Listen!: Black Feminism and the Boundaries of Sisterhood, Ingår i: Black British feminism: a reader, London, Routledge, 1997, s. 45–53
- Cixous, Hélène, The Laugh of the Medusa, Ingår i: Signs: journal of women in culture and society, vol. 1, nr. 4, 1976, s. 875–893
- Combahee River Collective, The, A black feminist statement (Finns även online. Se kursens läsanvisningar.)
- Cuesta, Marta; Mulinari, Diana, The bodies of others in Swedish feminism, Ingår i: Gender, place and culture: a journal of feminist geography, vol. 25, nr. 7, 2018, s. 978–993
- Freeman, Elizabeth, 'Packing History, Count(er)ing Generations, Ingår i: New literary history, vol. 31, nr. 4, 2000, s. 727–744
- Frye, Marilyn, The politics of reality: essays in feminist theory, Trumansburg, N.Y., Crossing P., cop 1983 (Sexism, s. 17–40 Finns även online. Se kursens läsanvisningar.)
- Haraway, Donna Jeanne, Simians, cyborgs, and women: the reinvention of nature, New York, Routledge, 1991 ("Gender for a Marxist dictionary: The Sexual Politics of a Word", s. 127–148 "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialst-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century", s. 149–181 Boken finns online. Se läsanvisningarna i schemat.)
- Haraway, Donna Jeanne, Situated knowledges: the science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective, Ingår i: Feminist studies, 14(1988):3, s. 575-599 (även s. 162–182)
- Hayward, Eva, Spider city sex, Ingår i: Women & performance: a journal of feminist theory, vol. 20, nr. 3, 2010, s. 225–251
- Hemmings, Claire, Affective solidarity: feminist reflexivity and political transformation, Ingår i: Feminist theory., nr. 13, 2012, s. 147–161
- Hemmings, Clare, Telling feminist stories, Ingår i: Feminist theory, 2005(6):2, s. 115-139
- Hill Collins, Patricia; Bilge, Sirma, Intersectionality, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2016 (Kap. 1, 3 och 8)
- Hobson, Janell, The "Batty" Politic: Toward an Asthetic of the Black Female Body, Ingår i: Hypatia, vol. 18, nr. 4, 2003, s. 87–104
- hooks, bell, Feminist theory: from margin to center, 2. ed., London, Pluto Press, cop. 2000 (Förord Kapitel 1 "Black women shaping femionist theory" Kapitel 2 " Feminism: a movement to end sexist oppression" Boken finns online. Se läsanvisning i schema.)
- hooks, bell, Teaching to transgress: education as the practice of freedom, London, Routledge, 1994 ("Theory as liberatory practice", s. 59–75)
- Jasbir, Puar K., Prognosis time: Towards a geopolitics of affect, debility and capacity, Ingår i: Women & performance: a journal of feminist theory, vol. 19, nr. 2, 2009, s. 161–172
- Lahiri, Madhumita, Crimes and Corrections: Bride Burners, Corrective Rapists, and Ohter Black Misogynists, Ingår i: Feminist Africa, nr. 15, 2011, s. 121–134
- Lugones, Maria, Playfulness, "World"-Travelling, and Loving Perception, Ingår i: Hypatia, vol. 2, nr. 2, 1987, s. 3–19
- Mulinari, Diana, "Race"/ethnicity in a "Nordic" context: a reflection from the Swedish borderlands, Ingår i: Svensk genusforskning i världen: globala perspektiv i svensk genusforskning och svensk genusforskning i ett globalt perspektiv: [konferensrapport, Örebro 30.11-1.12 2000], Göteborg, Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning, 2001
- Munoz, Jose Esteban, Feeling brown: Ethnicity and Affect in Ricardo Bracho's "The Sweetest Hangover (And Other STDs)", Ingår i: Theatre journal, vol. 52, nr. 1, 2000, s. 67–79
- Paternotte, David; Kuhar, Roman, 'Gender ideology' in movement: Introduction, Ingår i: Anti-gender campaigns in Europe: mobilizing against equality, London, Rowman & Littlefield International, Ltd., [2017], s. 1–22
- Rodriguez, Juana Maria, Gestures and Utterances: Fragments from a butch-femme archive, Ingår i: A companion to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer studies, Oxford, Blackwell, 2007 (10 sidor)
- Rubin, Gayle, The traffic in women: Notes on the political economy of sex, Ingår i: Women, class, and the feminist imagination: a socialist-feminist reader, Philadelphia, Temple Univ. Press, 1990, s. 74–113 (Finns även online. Se kursens läsanvisningar.)
- Serano, Julia., Whipping girl: a transsexual woman on sexism and the scapegoating of femininity, Seattle, Wash., Seal, 2007 (s. 183–217)
- Spillers, Hortense J., Mama's baby, Papa's maybe: An American Grammar Book, Ingår i: Diacritics: a review of contemporary criticism, vol. 17, nr. 2, 1987, s. 64–81
- Stryker, Susan, More Words about "My Words to Victor Frankenstein", Ingår i: GLQ: a journal of lesbian and gay studies, vol. 25, nr. 1, 2019, s. 39–44
- Stryker, Susan, My words to Victor Frankenstein above the village of Chamounix: Performing transgender rage, Ingår i: GLQ: a journal of lesbian and gay studies, vol. 1, nr. 3, 1994, s. 237–254
- Tate, Shirley-Ann, Not all the women want to be white: Decolonizing Beauty Studies, Ingår i: Decolonizing European Sociology: Transdisciplinary Approaches, s. 195–210
Texter för vidare läsning
- Ahmed, Sara, Introduction: Sexism - a problem with a name, Ingår i: New formations: a journal of culture, theory, politics, vol. 86, 2015, s. 5–13
- Ahmed, Sara, Orientations: Towards a Queer Phenomenology, Ingår i: GLQ: a journal of lesbian and gay studies, vol. 12, nr. 4, 2007, s. 543–574
- Barad, Karen, Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter, Ingår i: Signs: journal of women in culture and society, vol. 28, nr. 3, 2003, s. 801–831
- Beasley, Chris, 'Caution! Hazards ahead: Considering the potential gap between feminist thinking and men/masculinities theory and practice', Ingår i: Journal of sociology., vol. 51, nr. 3, s. 566–581
- Brah, Avtar; Phoenix, Ann, Ain't I A Woman? Revisiting Intersectionality, Ingår i: Journal of International Women's Studies, vol. 5, nr. 3, 2004, s. 75–86
- Budgeon, Shelley, Identity as embodied event, Ingår i: Body & society., vol. 9, nr. 1, 2003, s. 35–55
- Butler, Judith, Bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of "sex", New York, Routledge, 1993 (s. 27–56)
- Butler, Judith, Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity, New York, Routledge, 2006
- Chambers, Samuel A., "Sex" and the problem of the Body: Reconstructing Judith Butler's theory of sex/gender, Ingår i: Body & society., vol. 13, nr. 4, 2007, s. 47–75
- Crenshaw, Kimberle, Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color, Ingår i: Stanford law review., vol. 43, nr. 6, 1991, s. 1241–1299
- Dahl, Ulrika, Femmebodiment: Notes on the queer feminine shapes of vulnerability, Ingår i: Feminist theory., vol. 18, nr. 1, 2017, s. 35–53
- Dahl, Ulrika, Queering Sexism and Whiteness with Marily Frye, Ingår i: Paragraph: the journal of the Modern Critical Theory Group, vol. 41, nr. 3, 2018, s. 333–348
- Dahl, Ulrika, Sexism: A femme-inist perspective, Ingår i: New formations: a journal of culture, theory, politics, vol. 86, 2015, s. 54–73
- Dahl, Ulrika, Skamgrepp: femme-inistiska essäer, Stockholm, Leopard, 2014
- Livholts, Mona, Emergent writing methodologies in feminist studies, London, Routledge, 2012
- Freeman, Elizabeth, Queer belongings: Kinship theory and queer theory, Ingår i: A companion to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer studies, Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, s. 295–314
- Hill Collins, Patricia, It's All in the Family: Intersections of Gender, Race, and Nation, Ingår i: Hypatia, vol. 13, nr. 3, 1998, s. 68–82
- Lewis, Gail, unsafe Travel: Experiencing Intersectionality and Feminist Displacements, Ingår i: Signs: journal of women in culture and society, vol. 38, nr. 4, 2013, s. 869–892
- Lorde, Audre, Sexism: An American Disease in Blackface, Ingår i: Sister outsider: essays and speeches, Berkeley, Calif., Crossing Press, c2007., s. 60–65
- Lykke, Nina, Feminist studies: a guide to intersectional theory, methodology and writing, New York, Routledge, 2010
- McCall, Leslie, The complexity of intersectionality, Ingår i: Signs: journal of women in culture and society, vol. 30, nr. 3, 2005, s. 1771–1800
- McClintock, Anne, Family feuds: gender, nationalism and the family, Ingår i: Feminist review., 44, 1993, s. 61-80
- Lykke, Nina, Writing academic texts differently: intersectional feminist methodologies and the playful art of writing, London, Routledge, 2014
* Obligatorisk