Klimatledarskap - makt, politik och kultur
15 hp
Litteraturlista, Grundnivå, 1MV077
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Obligatorisk litteratur:
- Digital course reader, CEMUSObligatorisk (A digital course reader will be provided by the course coordinators and will encompass about 2–3 recommended articles per week relating to the current themes.)
- Lieberman, Benjamin A.; Gordon, Elizabeth, Climate change in human history: prehistory to the present, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018Obligatorisk
- Martusewicz, Rebecca A.; Edmundson, Jeff.; Lupinacci, John., EcoJustice education: toward diverse, democratic, and sustainable communities, Second edition., New York, Routledge, 2015Obligatorisk
- Stoknes, Per Espen., What we think about when we try not to think about global warming: toward a new psychology of climate action, White River Junction, Vermont, Chelsea Green Publishing, [2015]Obligatorisk
* Obligatorisk