Engelska B1

30 hp

Litteraturlista, Grundnivå, 5EN121

Det finns en senare version av litteraturlistan.

Delkurs 1. Analys av engelskt språkbruk i litteratur och vardag


  • Yule, George, Pragmatics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996Obligatorisk

Texter där utdrag läses (finns som stencil/fil eller på webben)

Melanie Gagich and Emilie Zickel, A Guide to Rhetoric, Genre, and Success in First-Year Writing. https://pressbooks.ulib.csuohio.edu/csu-fyw-rhetoric/

Literary texts distributed in class will include selected poems and short stories by Henry James, Katherine Mansfield, John Milton, Katherine Anne Porter, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Walt Whitman, and Virginia Woolf, in addition to selections from The Wiley Blackwell Anthology of African American Literature, Vol. 1, 1746-1920.

A compendium of other critical material, literary texts, and samples of everyday language will be distributed in class.

Delkurs 2. Litteratur och engelskans historia


Poesi, drama och prosa

A selection of short lyrics and poems, available online, including Appalachian lyrics and poetry by for instance Anne Bradstreet, Phillis Wheatley, and Mary Wroth.

A selection of works and extracts from the following. Detailed information about selected texts, links, and editions is made available to students before the start of the course:

Davidson, Clifford (ed.). 2011. The York Corpus Christi Plays. Kalamazoo: Medieval

Institute Publications. (freely available online)

Sponsler, Claire (ed.). 2010. John Lydgate: Mummings and Entertainments. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications. (freely available online)

Additional texts and seminar material:

A selection of extracts from contemporaneous texts and sources (available digitally or through handouts), including for instance slave narratives, accounts of exploration and settlement, debates around the public theatre and the form of the novel, dictionaries, and writings on language and grammar.

A selection of material on theory and academic writing (available digitally or through handouts).

Delkurs 3. Engelsk språkvetenskap och språkstruktur

Fotokopierat material

Delkurs 4. Nya perspektiv på engelsk och amerikansk litteratur

* Obligatorisk

