Utvecklingsstudier A

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Development, the State, and Sustainability / Utveckling, stat och hållbarhet

Articles to be downloaded

International Environment and Sustainable Development

  • Elliot, Jennifer, An Introduction to Sustainable Development, Routledge, 2001Obligatorisk (250 pages)
  • Kates, Robert; Parris, Thomas M; Leiserowitz, Anthony A, What is sustainable development?, Environment, 2005, Download hereObligatorisk
  • Engfeldt, Lars-Göran, From Stockholm to Johannesburg and beyond: the evolution of the international system for sustainable development governance and its implications, Stockholm, Government Offices of Sweden, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2009Obligatorisk (Chapters 1,2,3,9 Book available for free at the department)
  • Local responses to too much and too little water in the Greater Himalayan RegionObligatorisk
  • Rotberg, Fiona, Social Networks and Adaptation in Rural Bangladesh, Climate and Development, 2010Obligatorisk (pp 65–72)
  • Parkin, Sara, The positive deviant: sustainability leadership in a perverse world, 1. ed., Washington, D.C., Earthscan, 2010Obligatorisk (Chapter 7)
  • Shue, Henry, Human Rights, Climate Change, and the Trillionth Ton, The Ethics of Global Climate Change, 2001Obligatorisk
  • Gardiner, Stephen, A Perfect Moral Storm: Climate Change, Intergenerational Ethics and the Problem of Moral Corruption, Environmental Values, 2006Obligatorisk (15:397–413)
  • Escobar, Arturo AE, Beyond the Search for a Paradigm? Post-Development and beyond., Development=Developpement=Dessarollo, 2000Obligatorisk (Vol 43, Nr 4, pp. 11–14)
  • Biermann, Frank; Boas, Ingrid, Preparing for a Warmer World. Towards a Global Governance System to Protect Climate Refugees, Global Environmental Politics, 2010Obligatorisk (10(1):60–88)
  • McAdam, Jane, Swimming Against the Tide: Why a Climate Change Displacement Treaty Is Not the Answer, International Journal of Refugee Law, 2011Obligatorisk (23(1): 2–27)
  • Myers, Norman, Environmental Refugees: A Growing Phenomenon of the 21st Century, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 2001Obligatorisk (B 356: 16.1–16.5.)
  • Tacoli, Cecilia, Crisis or Adaptation? Migration and Climate Change in a Context of High Mobility, Environment and Urbanization, 2009Obligatorisk (21(2): 513–525)
  • Loomis, Terrence, Indigenous Populations and Sustainable Development: Building on Indigenous Approaches to Holistic, Self -Determined Development, World Development, 2000Obligatorisk (28, Issue 5, 893–910)
  • Van Zeijl-Rozema, Annemarie m.fl., Governance for sustainable development: A framework, Sustainable Development, 2008Obligatorisk (16 (6): 410–421.)
  • Ostrom, Elinor, Governing the commons: the evolution of institutions for collective action, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990Obligatorisk
  • Ostrom, Elinor, The drama of the commons, Washington, DC, National Academy Press, c2002Obligatorisk (Bardhan, P. & Dayton-Johnson, J. 2002. Unequal Irrigators: Heterogeneity and Commons Management in Large-Scale Multivariate Research. Ch. 3, pp. 87–112)
  • Molinas, J.R., The Impact of Inequality, Gender, External Assistance and Social Capital on Local-Level Cooperation, World Development, 1998Obligatorisk ((Vol. 26), No. 3, 413–131.)
  • Varughese, G; Ostrom, E, The Contested Role of Heterogeneity in Collective Action: Some Evidence from Community Forestry in Nepal, World Development, 2001Obligatorisk ((Vol. 29), No. 5, 747–765.)
  • Dietz, Thomas; Ostrom, Elinor; Stern, Paul, The struggle to govern the commons, Science, 2003, Download hereObligatorisk (302 (5652): 1907–1912)
  • Kelsey, Jack B.; Kousky, Carolyn; Sims, Katharine R.E., Designing payments for ecosystem services: Lessons from previous experience with incentive-based mechanisms, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2008, Download hereObligatorisk (105 (28): 9465–9470)
  • Ribot, Jesse, Choice, Recognition and the Democracy Effects of Decentralisation, ICLD, Download hereObligatorisk (Working Paper No 5)
  • Parker, Ian, The Poverty Lab, The New Yorker, 2010Obligatorisk (May 17, 79–89)
  • Smith, R. J. m.fl., Governance and the loss of biodiversity, Ingår i: Nature, vol. 426, nr. 6962, 2003, s. 67–70Obligatorisk (426, 67–70)
  • Arrow, Kenneth J., Economic growth, carrying capacity, and the environment, Stockholm, Beijer International Institute, 1995Obligatorisk (Download by: http://www.sciencemag.org.ezproxy.its.uu.se/content/268/5210/520.full.pdf?sid=291872da-71b5–48e2–8308-3b9659ec572c)
  • Costanza, Robert, The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital, Ingår i: Nature, vol. 387, 1997, s. 253–260Obligatorisk (387, 253–259)
  • Jackson, Tim, Prosperity without growth: economics for a finite planet, London, Earthscan, 2009Obligatorisk (Chapter 11)
  • Fantu, Cheru, Chinese and Indian Engagement in Africa: Competitive or mutually reinforcing strategies, Journal of International Affairs, 2011Obligatorisk (vol.62, no.2)

Articles to be downloaded my be changed or removed

EnGendering International Development

It is mandatory to do three readings per week from the readings provided for each week.

  • Kabbani, Rana, Imperial Fictions: Europe Myth's of the Orient, Indiana University Press: Bloomington (pp. 1-13 & 67-85), 2009Obligatorisk (To be downloaded)
  • Sayyid, S, Mirror Mirror: Western Democrats, Oriental Despots?,, Ethnicities, 5; (30-50), 2005
  • Prakash, Gyan, Orientalism now, History & Theory vol. 34, no. 3 (199-212), 1995Obligatorisk
  • Liddle, Joanna; Rai, Shirin, Feminism, Imperialism and Orientalism: The Challenge of the 'Indian Woman, Women's History Review, Vol.7. No.4, (pp.495-519), 1998Obligatorisk
  • Mohanty, Chandra, Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses, Feminist Review, 30, (pp.61-88), 1988
  • Chaudhuri, Nupur, Memshahibs and their servants in nineteenth century India, Women's History Review, 3:4, (pp. 549-562), 1994
  • McClintock, Anne, Imperial leather: race, gender and sexuality in the colonial contest, London, Routledge, 1995 (pp 1–15)
  • Thapar-Björkert, Suruchi; Ryan, Louise, Mother India and Mother Ireland: Comparative Gendered Dialogues of Colonialism and nationalism in the early 20 century, Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 25, Issue 3, May-June, (pp. 301-313), 2002
  • Gender and imperialism, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1998 (pp 1–15)
  • Chadya, Joyce M, Mother Politics: Anti-colonial Nationalism and the Woman Question in Africa, Journal of Women's History - Volume 15, Number 3,(pp. 153-157), 2003Obligatorisk
  • Johnson, Cheryl, Grass Roots Organizing: Women in Anticolonial Activity in Southwestern Nigeria, African Studies Review, Vol. 25, No. 2/3, pp. 137-157, 1982Obligatorisk
  • Djamila Amrane-Minne, Daniele; Abu-Haidar, Farida, Women and Politics in Algeria from the War of Independence to Our Day, Research in African Literatures, Vol.30, No.3 (62-77), 1999Obligatorisk
  • Parpart, Jane L, Who is the 'Other'?: A Postmodern Feminist Critique of Women and Development Theory and Practice, Development and Change, Volume 24 Issue 3, Pages 439 - 464, 1993Obligatorisk
  • Razavi, Shahra, Fitting Gender into Development Institutions, World Development, Vol.25, No.7, (1111-1125), 1997Obligatorisk
  • Marchand, Marianne H.; Parpart, Jane L., Feminism, postmodernism, development, London, Routledge, 1995Obligatorisk
  • Kabeer, Naila, Reversed realities: gender hierarchies in development thought, London, Verso, 1994Obligatorisk
  • Chua, Peter; Bhavnani, Kum-Kum; Foran, John, Women, culture, development: a new paradigm for development studies?, Ingår i: Ethnic and racial studies., vol. 23, nr. 5, 2000, s. 820–841
  • Nederveen Pieterse, Jan, After Post Development, Third World Quarterly, Vol.21, No.2 (175-191), 2000Obligatorisk
  • Lugalla, J, The Impact of Structural Adjustment Policies on Women and Children's Health in Tanzania, Review of African Political Economy, No.63, Vol.22, March, 1995
  • Patel, Vibhuti, Women and Structural Adjustment in India, Social Scientist, Vol.22, No.3/4, (pp.16-34)., 1994Obligatorisk
  • George, Susan, Down the Great Financial Drain: How Debt and the Washingtom Consensus destroy development and create poverty, Development, 50 (2), (4-11), 2007
  • Kaimowitz, David; Thiele, Graham, The Effects of Structural Adjustment on Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Lowland Bolivia, World Development Vol. 27, No. 3. (505-520), 1999Obligatorisk
  • Amalric, Franck; Banuri, Tariq, Population: Malady or Symptom?, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 4 (pp.691-706), 1994Obligatorisk
  • Sudha, S; Irudaya Rajan, S, Female Demographic Disadvantage in India 1981-1991: Sex Selective Abortions and Female Infanticide, Development and Change Vol. 30 (pp.585-618), 1999
  • Sen, Armartya, More than 100 million women are missing, Ingår i: The New York review of books.Obligatorisk (pp 61–66)
  • Bhat, R L; Sharma, Namita, ) Mising Girls: Evidence from some North Indian States, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 13/3 (pp.351-373), 2006
  • Kaldor, Mary, New and old wars: organized violence in a global era., Cambridge, Polity Press in association with Blackwell, 1999Obligatorisk (pp 72–87)
  • Kalyvas, Stathis N., "New"and"old"civil wars - a valid distinction?, Ingår i: World politics: a quarterly journal of international relations, s. 99–108Obligatorisk (World Politics 54 (pp.99–118))
  • Dowden, Richard, The Rwandan Genocide: How the Press Missed the Story, African Affairs , 103, (pp.283-290), 2004
  • Keen, David, A Rational Kind of Madness, Oxford Development Studies, Vol. 25, No. 1, (pp.67-75), 1997
  • Thapar-Bjorkert, Suruchi; Morgan, Karen; Yuval-Davis, Nira, Framing gendered identities: local conflicts/global violence, Ingår i: Women's studies international forum: a multidisciplinary journal ..., vol. 29, nr. 5, 2006, s. 433–538Obligatorisk (Vol.29, Issue 5, Special Issue)
  • Fluri, Jennifer, The Beautiful 'Other' a critical examination of 'western' representations of Afghan feminine corporeal modernity, 2009 (16:3 (pp 241–257))
  • Alison, Miranda, Women as Agents of Political Violence: Gendering Security, Security Dialogue vol. 35, no. 4, December 2004 (pp.447-464), 2004
  • Stoler, Ann Laura, Carnal knowledge and imperial power: race and the intimate in colonial rule, Berkeley, University of California Press, c2002 (pp.41–79)
  • Nagel, Joane, Masculinity and nationalism: gender and sexuality in the making of nations, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1998 (Volume 21 Number 2 March 1998)
  • Kampwirth, Karen, The Mother of the Nicaraguans: Dona Violeta and the UNO's Gender Agenda, Latin American Perspectives, 1996Obligatorisk (Vol 23 No 1, pp 67–86)
  • Burchianti, Margaret, Building Bridges of Memory: The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo and the Cultural Politics of Maternal Memories, History and Anthropology, 2004 (Vol 15:2, pp.133–150)
  • Sen, Amartya, Development as freedom., Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001 (Introduction, ch 1–2)
  • Papart, Jane; Connelly, Patricia; Barriteau, V. Eudine, Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development, IDRC, 2000Obligatorisk (Chapter 2,3,4)
  • Corbridge, Stuart, The (im)possibility of development studies, Economy and Society, 2007 (36:2, pp 179–211)
  • Pender, John, From 'structural adjustment 'to 'comprehensive development framework': conditionality transformed?, Third World Quarterly, 2001 (Vol 22, No 3, pp. 377–411)
  • Cerruti, M, Economic Reform, Structural Adjustment and Female Labor Force Participation in Buenos Aires, Argentina, World Development, 2000Obligatorisk (28(5): 879–91)
  • Feminist visions of development: gender, analysis and policy, New York, Routledge, 1998 (pp. 217–239)
  • Kaldor, Mary, Inconclusive wars: is Clausewitz still relevant in these global times?, Global Policy, 2010Obligatorisk (1(3) pp.271–281)
  • Giles, Wenona Mary; Hyndman, Jennifer, Sites of violence: gender and conflict zones, Berkeley, University of California Press, cop. 2004Obligatorisk (pp. 24–44, Cynthia Cockburn, "The Continuum of Violence: A Gender Perspective on War and Peace")
  • Enloe, Cynthia H., Maneuvers: the international politics of militarizing women's lives, Berkeley, Calif., Univ. of California Press, cop. 2000Obligatorisk (pp. 108–52, "When Soldiers Rape")
  • Harrington, Carol, Peacekeeping and Prostitution in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, Lund University, 2003Obligatorisk (Presented at Gender and Power in the New Europe, the 5th European Feminist Research Conference, August 20–24 (2003). Lund University, Sweden. (Available on-line))
  • Nuttall, Sarah, Girl Bodies, Social Text, 2004Obligatorisk (Social Text 78 (22/1), pp. 17–33)
  • On the battleground of women's bodies: mass rape in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ingår i: Affilia: journal of women and social workObligatorisk (Affilia 21 (2): 184–195)
  • Moser, Caroline O. N.; Clark, Fiona C., Victims, perpetrators or actors?: gender, armed conflict and political violence, London, Zed, cop. 2001Obligatorisk (pp. 55–68, Meredith Turshen, "The Political Economy of Rape: An Analysis of Systematic Rape and Sexual Abuse of Women during armed Conflict in Africa.")
  • Turshen, Meredith, The Political Economy of Rape: An Analysis of Systematic Rape and Sexual Abuse of Women during armed Conflict in Africa, Zed Books, 2001Obligatorisk (In: Victims, Perpetrators or Actors? Gender, Armed Conflict, and Political Violence (Moser, Caroline O.N. and Fiona C. Clark, eds.). London/New York: Zed Books, pp. 55–68.)

Development and Armed Conflict/ Utveckling och väpnad konflikt

  • Collier, Paul., Wars, guns, and votes: democracy in dangerous places, 1. ed., New York, Harper, 2009Obligatorisk
  • Collier, Paul, The bottom billion: why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it, New York, Oxford University Press, cop. 2007Obligatorisk
  • Engendering development: through gender equality in rights, resources, and voice, Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2001Obligatorisk (URL: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/main?pagePK=64193027&piPK=64187937&theSitePK=523679&menuPK=64187510&searchMenuPK=64187283&siteName=WDS&entityID=000094946_01020805393496)
  • World Bank & Human Security Centre, eds., Miniatlas of Human Security, World Bank Publications, 2008Obligatorisk (Also downloadable from http://www.miniatlasofhumansecurity.info/en/access.html.)
  • Anderson, Mary B., Do no harm: how aid can support peace - or war, Boulder, Colo., Lynne Rienner, 1999Obligatorisk
  • Söderberg Kovacs, Mimmi; Ohlson, Thomas, Democratisation and armed conflicts, Stockholm, Sida, 2003Obligatorisk
  • Hudson, Valerie M m.fl., The Heart of the Matter: The Security of Women and the Security of States, International Security 33 (3):7-45, 2008Obligatorisk
  • Hultman, Lisa, The Power to Hurt in Civil War: The Strategic Aim of RENAMO Violence, Journal of Southern African Studies 35 (4):821-34, 2009Obligatorisk
  • Hussein, Karim; Sumberg, James; Seddon, David, 'Increasing Violent Conflict between Herders and Farmers in Africa: Claims and Evidence, Development Policy Review 17: 397-418, 1999Obligatorisk
  • Melander, Erik; Öberg, Magnus; Hall, Jonathan, Are 'New Wars' More Atrocious? Battle Intensity, Civilians Killed and Forced Migration Before and After the End of the Cold War, European Journal of International Relations 15 (3): 505-536, 2009Obligatorisk
  • Solingen, Etel, Pax Asiatica versus Bella Levantina: The Foundations of War and Peace in East Asia and the Middle East, American Political Science Review 101 (4):757-780, 2007Obligatorisk
  • Stewart, Frances, Conflict and the Millennium Development Goals, Journal of Human Development 4 (3):325-351, 2003Obligatorisk
  • Turner, Matthew D, Political Ecology and the Moral Dimensions of 'Resource Conflicts', Political Geography 23(7): 863-889Obligatorisk ('Political Ecology and the Moral Dimensions of "Resource Conflicts": The Case of Farmer-Herder Conflicts in the Sahel')
  • Alao, Abiodun; Olonisakin, Funmi, Economic Fragility and Political Fluidity: Explaining Natural Resources and Conflicts, International Peacekeeping, 2000Obligatorisk (7:23–36)
  • Grant, J. Andrew., Diamonds, foreign aid, and the uncertain prospects for post-conflict reconstruction in Sierra Leone, Helsinki, United nations university. World institute for development economics research (UNU-WIDER), 2005Obligatorisk
  • Krause, Keith; Jütersonke, Oliver, Peace, Security and Development in Post-Conflict Environments, Security Dialogue, 2005Obligatorisk (36 (4):821–34)

* Obligatorisk

