

For those of you who want to start your degree project in period 2: Send in the project plan by the 14th of October.
For those of you who want to start your degree project in period 3: Send in the project plan by the 7th of November and a complete application by the 13th of January 2025. Thank you!


The coordinator for the degree projects within the master programme in bioinformatics is Lena Henriksson. Examiners are Pascal Milesi and Siv Andersson. They can be reached by mail:


In order to make sure you know the requirements for your degree project, read through all the information available on this page and read the guidelines and instructions for degree projects within the technical programs at Uppsala University.

Find a project offer

Read previous reports

Description of the Degree project in Bioinformatics


For insurance reasons it is very important that you are registered before you start your degree project!

When you have found a project and a potential supervisor you send a request together with the document duties and responsibilities of the supervisor Pdf, 98 kB.. If the supervisor accepts, the two of you write a project plan Pdf, 78 kB..

Try to do this well in advance before the start of the course! The processing time is normally 3 weeks from the time the project plan is sent in until you become registered. The reason for this is that several different people are involved in the processing of a degree project application and none of these have it as their main task. An advice for speeding up the registration is that you and the supervisor, in the project plan, suggest a subject reader Pdf, 30 kB..

Send the project plan to Lena who will put you in contact with your examiner. Together, you will go through the project plan and discuss a suitable subject reader. When you contact the subject reader Pdf, 38 kB., also send the document duties and responsibilities of the subject reader Pdf, 297 kB.. If the subject reader accepts, the two of you fill in the learning outcome for degree projects form Pdf, 213 kB.. Information on how to fill in the learning outcome form is found here Pdf, 34 kB..

In some cases, a contract can be established between you as a student and the supervisor/project owner. This should be done before the application is submitted, so be sure to discuss this early with Lena, the examiner and the supervisor. Note that confidentiality agreements cannot be signed for work carried out at Uppsala University or at another university/college or government agency.

After all the above is done, make sure that you, the supervisor and subject reader fill in the application form Pdf, 87 kB.(print as double page). Then you send it to the examiner along with the project plan and the learning outcome form.


5 weeks after start, the updated project plan must be submitted. Then the parts under section 2 of the template must also be included, see above. Make sure that the supervisor and subject reader have approved the plan before it is sent to Lena - who forwards it to the examiner.


About halfway into the project, it is time for the half time presentation (for projects of 30 and 45 hp). Contact Lena to book a time (current presentation days). The purpose of the presentation is to give the teachers a chance to see how the work is progressing and how you as a student are treated at the workplace. 20 minutes are set aside for each presentation; 10 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion/questions. During the presentation we would like you to give a brief background, describe what you have done so far and how it went, and show an updated time schedule. There is no requirement for the opponent, supervisor or subject reader to be present, but they are warmly welcomed.

It is important that you in good time book a time for the final presentation (this can be done as soon as you are registered and the presentation dates are posted on the website) to ensure that the subject reader can be there, which is a requirement!


One of the steps required for passing the course is that you critically examine another student's report and presentation. Other students doing their projects right now, can be found in the following Gantt chart. You have the responsibility to find someone to oppose on, and find your own opponent. Contact Lena to announce who you will oppose on. (NOTE: There is no requirement to have a student opponent in order to pass the course, but it is strongly recommended. If necessary, it is also possible for 2 students to oppose the same work.)

The opposition is performed both orally and in writing. At the presentation you take up the most important aspects, while in the written opposition you are able to provide more detailed comments and suggestions. To prepare yourself, read tips for opposition Pdf, 72 kB.. Send your written comments directly after the presentation, with a copy to the coordinator.


Start in time with the writing! Good tips are available in the booklet Presenting science Pdf, 2 MB.. There is an instruction on how to download and install IBGs style in Zotero Pdf, 56 kB.. There is also a report template with instructions Pdf, 567 kB. (updated 2020-11-18) that describe what the report should contain, how it should look and be put together. You should use the template in Microsoft Word format Word, 3 MB. (updated 2020-11-18) as a template for the report to meet the requirements of the layout. You generate a title page for your report online.

Take support from the supervisor and subject reader in the writing process – they are both experts at scientific writing. If you feel you need extra support with the writing you can contact the language workshop.


One week before the final presentation day, you should send the report to the opponent and Lena. Ask both the supervisor and the subject reader to email Lena if they think that the report is basically finished and in such good condition that it can be presented and opposed. Lena runs the report through Ouriginal to check for plagiarism. The result is sent to both you, the supervisor and subject reader.


60 minutes are set aside for each presentation; 30 minutes for the presentation, 15 minutes for discussion and questions and 15 minutes for rounding off and follow-up. It is a requirement that the examiner and subject reader are present. And preferably the student opponent!


Go through the learning outcome form with the subject reader and send the reviced form to Lena.

When you have taken the opponent's comments into account and the subject reader has approved the report you send it to the coordinator in PDF-format. The examiner will then read the report and possibly give further comments.


When the report is approved by the examiner, you will be asked to upload it to DiVA, see the instructions. Do not forget to enter IBG as department!


If the report is confidential, we want you to fill in the following certificate Pdf, 385 kB. so that the coordinator knows how you want the report to be archived in DiVA after the confidentiality agreement has expired.


The coordinator will provide you with the offer of receiving three paper copies of the report and notify you when they are available to be picked up at the EBC.


Lena will notify you when you are reported as passed on your degree project. You will then receive a link to the course evaluation that we really would love for you to fill in to help in our development of the course.


After completing the degree project, it may be time to apply for the masters degree.

Good luck!

