Leading and developing in academia

Sunflower in different stages

This course is for individuals in an academic leadership position at Uppsala University who would like to develop their ability to lead both themselves and others. The course deals with topics such as “your role as a leader”, “individual and group meetings", “understanding and handling conflict”, and “the eternal questions of leadership”. An aspect of the course that is highly appreciated is the opportunity to meet and reflect with colleagues with similar experiences and questions in small peer tutorial groups. The course comprises six full days over the course of a term, plus four two-hour peer tutorial sessions.

This course is aimed at

  • Research Leader
  • Researcher with a doctoral degree
  • Director of Studies


  • Leadership and management development
  • Personal development

Target group

This training is for those in a position of leadership at Uppsala University who would like to develop their ability to lead both themselves and others. While you must be leading a group during the course, it is not necessary to have formal managerial responsibilities. If you are a postdoc researcher or similar, we recommend instead the course “Curious about leadership”, or our “Online career programme for postdocs”.


After the course, participants should:
• Have actively reflected on their role as a leader
• Experience increased confidence in their leadership role
• Have a deeper understanding of interactions between leaders and groups


The course covers topics such as the following:
• academic leadership roles
• academic finances
• individual and group meetings
• understanding and handling conflicts
• equality and leadership
• the eternal questions of leadership

Lectures and peer tutorial sessions

The course comprises 6 full days between 9:00 and 15:00 (one introductory session plus five lectures on different topics), plus 4 two-hour meetings with a peer tutorial group. The aim of the peer tutorial sessions is to provide the opportunity to relfect on one’s everyday life as a leader and thus develop in one’s leadership role.

Dates autumn 2025

Lectures, 9.00–15.00
21 August: Course start up and introduction
4 September: "The role of the academic leader" (9.00-12.00) and startup of peer tutorial groups (13.00-15.00)
23 September: "Understanding university finances"
14 October: "Understanding and handling conflicts"
4 November: "Communication in the leadership role"
19 November: "Equal opportunities" (9-12) and "The eternal dilemmas of leadership" (13-15)

Peer tutorial groups, 9.00–11.00
24 September
15 October
5 November


The structure of the course requires continous participation, and attendance is thus prioritised. Attendance on the first day of the course is strictly required. If you are registered for the course but cannot attend the first day, you will be offered an opportunity to re-register for the course when it is next offered.


In order to receive a certificate of completion, you must attend at least five of the six whole-day sessions and at least three of the four peer tutorial meetings. Absence from a lecture can possibly be made up for; consult with the course leaders. However, there is no way to make up for missed peer tutorial sessions.

Course leaders

Rabbe Hedengren och Anna Westin, Karriär & Ledning. The course will feature lecturers from inside and outside the university.

Course occasions and sign-up

21 augusti19 november 2025
See the dates of the different lectures and peer tutorial sessions of the program under the heading “About the course” above.
Language of instruction
Application deadline: 2025-05-30
Link to application


Rabbe Hedengren
Anna Westin
Karriär & Ledning – Career and Leadership Development Centre
Avdelningen för kvalitetsutveckling – Division for Quality Enhancement
Uppsala universitet – Uppsala University

