Staff agreements

On this page, you will find recommendations and support for signing various types of international agreements for employees at Uppsala University.

Teacher exchange agreements

Within the Erasmus programme, you can sign agreements for teacher exchanges. New agreements for teacher exchanges can be created, and should be administered, at departmental level. If you want to sign an agreement for a teacher exchange, contact your Erasmus coordinator or if your department doesn't have one.

Project agreements

When you have applied for some kind of international project and the application has been granted, it is often appropriate to sign an agreement. To avoid delays in the project, it is important to carefully review the agreement before handing in the application.

Head of department, university director or vice-chancellor must sign the agreement

The head of department can sign most project agreements. Which agreements the head of department can sign is regulated in the delegation order for Uppsala University (in Swedish).

There is a special process for agreements that need to be signed by the university director or vice-chancellor (in Swedish).

Memorandum of Understanding

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a general agreement of the intention to cooperate in student or staff activities.

No details are regulated

An MoU does not regulate the details of a specific collaboration. Each activity needs to be supplemented with an agreement where the details of the collaboration are specified.

The agreement can be signed at different administrative levels

An MoU can be signed at different organisational levels at the University, but should match the corresponding level at the partner university.

Supporting documents


