Main and minor fields of study
A general degree must always include a main field of study and a Bachelor's degree must also include at least one minor field of study. Below is a list over disciplines that can constitute the main and minor field of study.
If a main field of study ceases, a diploma can under certain circumstances still be issued. Contact the Student Registry Office for more information.
Main fields of study
K: can be the main field of study in a Bachelor's degree (kandidatexamen)
Mg: can be the main field of study in a Master's degree, 60 credits (magisterexamen)
Ms: can be the main field of study in a Master's degree, 120 credits (masterexamen)
H: can be the specialisation in a Higher Education Diploma (högskoleexamen)
All main fields of study can form minor fields of study in a Bachelor's degree with another main field of study.
- Aesthetics (Estetik) K Mg Ms
- Applied Biotechnology (Tillämpad bioteknik) Mg Ms
- Archaeology (Arkeologi) K Mg Ms
- Archaeology with focus on Osteology (Arkeologi med inriktning mot osteologi) K
- Archive, Library and Museum Studies (ABM) Mg Ms
- Art History (Konstvetenskap) K Mg Ms
- Assyriology (Assyriologi) K (from spring 2025)
- Battery Technology (Batteriteknik) Mg Ms
- Biblical Exegesis (Bibelvetenskap) K Mg Ms (until spring 2025)
- Bioinformatics (Bioinformatik) Mg Ms
- Biology (Biologi) K Mg Ms
- Biomedical Laboratory Science (Biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap) K Mg Ms
- Biomedicine (Biomedicin) K Mg Ms
- Biophysics (Biofysik) Mg Ms
- Built Environment and Land Law (Samhällsbyggnads- och fastighetsvetenskap) K
- Business Studies (Företagsekonomi) K Mg Ms
- Caring Sciences (Vårdvetenskap) K Mg
- Chemistry (Kemi) K Mg Ms
- Child and Youth Studies (Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap) K Mg Ms
- Chinese (Kinesiska) K Mg Ms
- Classical Archaeology and Ancient History (Antikens kultur och samhällsliv) K Mg Ms
- Clinical Pharmacy (Klinisk farmaci) Mg
- Commercial Law (Handelsrätt) K Mg Ms
- Computational Science (Tillämpad beräkningsvetenskap) Mg Ms
- Computer Science (Datavetenskap) K Mg Ms
- Conservation (Kulturvård) K Mg Ms
- Crisis Management (Krisberedskap) Mg
- Cultural Anthropology (Kulturantropologi) K Mg Ms
- Curriculum Studies (Didaktik) K Mg Ms
- Data Science (Dataanalys) Mg Ms
- Developing Democracy (Demokratiutveckling) Mg
- Development Studies (Utvecklingsstudier) K Mg Ms
- Digital Humanities (Digital humaniora) Mg Ms
- Drug Discovery and Development (Läkemedelsutveckling) Mg Ms
- Drug Management (Läkemedelsanvändning) Mg Ms
- Earth Science (Geovetenskap) K Mg Ms
- East European Studies (Östeuropakunskap) K
- Economic History (Ekonomisk historia) K Mg Ms
- Economics (Nationalekonomi) K Mg Ms
- Education (Pedagogik) K Mg Ms
- Educational Management (Pedagogiskt ledarskap) Mg Ms
- Egyptology (Egyptologi) K Mg Ms
- Electrical Engineering (Elektroteknik) Mg Ms
- Embedded Systems (Inbyggda system) Mg Ms
- Energy Technology (Energiteknik) Mg Ms
- English (Engelska) K Mg Ms
- Entrepreneurship (Entreprenörskap) Mg
- Environmental Science (Miljövetenskap) K
- Estonian (Estniska) K
- Ethnology (Etnologi) K Mg Ms
- Eurasian Studies (Euroasiatiska studier) Mg Ms
- Euroculture (Euroculture) Mg Ms
- Financial Mathematics (Finansiell matematik) Mg Ms
- Finnish (Finska) K
- Finno-Ugric Languages (Finsk-ugriska språk) Mg Ms
- Food Studies, Nutrition and Dietetics (Kostvetenskap) K Mg Ms
- Forensic Science (Forensisk vetenskap) Mg Ms
- French (Franska) K
- Game Design (Speldesign) K Mg Ms
- Gender and Ethnic Studies (Mångfaldsstudier) Ms
- Gender Research (Genusvetenskap) K Mg Ms
- General Linguistics (Lingvistik) K Mg Ms
- Geography (Geografi) K Mg Ms
- German (Tyska) K Mg Ms
- Global Environmental History (Global miljöhistoria) Mg Ms
- Global Health (Global hälsa) Mg Ms
- Greek (Grekiska) K
- Greek and Byzantine Studies (Grekiska och bysantinologi) Mg Ms
- History (Historia) K Mg Ms
- History and Social Sciences of Religion (Religionshistoria och religionsbeteendevetenskap) K Mg Ms (until spring 2025)
- History of Science and Ideas (Idé- och lärdomshistoria) K Mg Ms
- Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Förintelse- och folkmordsstudier) Mg Ms
- Human Rights (Mänskliga rättigheter) Mg Ms
- Human-Computer Interaction (Människa-datorinteraktion) K Mg Ms
- Image Analysis and Machine Learning (Bildanalys och maskininlärning) Mg Ms
- Indology (Indologi) K Mg Ms
- Industrial Engineering and Management (Industriell teknik) K Mg Ms
- Infection Biology (Infektionsbiologi) Ms
- Information Systems (Informationssystem) K Mg Ms
- International Humanitarian Action (International humanitarian action) Mg Ms
- Iranian Languages (Iranska språk) K Mg Ms
- Italian (Italienska) K
- Language Technology (Språkteknologi) K Mg Ms
- Latin (Latin) K Mg Ms
- Learning for Sustainable Development and Global Health (Lärande för hållbar utveckling och global hälsa) Mg Ms
- Legal Science (Rättsvetenskap) Mg Ms
- Literature (Litteraturvetenskap) K Mg Ms
- Materials Engineering (Materialteknik) Mg Ms
- Materials Science (Materialvetenskap) Mg Ms
- Mathematics (Matematik) K Mg Ms
- Media and Communication Studies (Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap) K Mg Ms
- Medical Nuclide Techniques (Medicinsk nuklidteknik) Mg Ms
- Medical Science (Medicinsk vetenskap) K Mg Ms
- Molecular Medicine (Molekylär medicin) Mg Ms
- Musicology (Musikvetenskap) K Mg Ms
- North East Asian Studies (Nordostasienkunskap) K
- Occupational Therapy (Arbetsterapi) K
- Osteology (Osteologi) H
- Peace and Conflict Studies (Freds- och konfliktkunskap) K Mg Ms
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Farmaceutisk kemi) K
- Pharmaceutical Sciences (Farmaceutisk vetenskap) K Mg Ms
- Physics (Fysik) K Mg Ms
- Physiotherapy (Fysioterapi) K Mg
- Polish (Polska) K
- Political Science (Statskunskap) K Mg Ms
- Practical Philosophy (Praktisk filosofi) K Mg Ms
- Precision Medicine (Precisionsmedicin) Mg Ms
- Psychology (Psykologi) K Mg Ms
- Public Health (Folkhälsovetenskap) K Mg Ms
- Quantum Technology (Kvantteknologi) Mg Ms
- Radiography (Radiografi) K Mg Ms
- Religious Studies (Religionsvetenskap) K Mg Ms
- Renaissance Studies (Renässansstudier) K
- Renewable Electricity Production (Förnybar elproduktion) Mg Ms
- Reproductive Health (Reproduktiv hälsa) Mg Ms
- Rhetoric (Retorik) K Mg Ms
- Romance Languages (Romanska språk) Mg Ms
- Russian (Ryska) K
- Russian for Specific Purposes (Ryska som fackspråk) Mg Ms
- Scandinavian Studies (Skandinavistik) Mg Ms
- Semitic Languages (Arabic, Aramaic/Syriac, Assyriology, Hebrew) (Semitiska språk) K Mg Ms
- Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian (Serbiska/kroatiska/bosniska) K
- Slavic Languages (Slaviska språk) Mg Ms
- Social and Economic Geography (Kulturgeografi) Mg Ms
- Social and Economic Geography (Samhällsgeografi) K
- Social Psychology (Socialpsykologi) K Mg
- Social Work (Socialt arbete) K Mg Ms
- Sociology (Sociologi) K Mg Ms
- Sociology of Education (Utbildningssociologi) K Mg Ms
- Sociotechnical Systems (System i teknik och samhälle) K
- Software Engineering (Programvaruteknik) H
- Spanish (Spanska) K
- Special Education (Specialpedagogik) Mg Ms
- Speech and Language Pathology (Logopedi) Mg Ms
- Statistics (Statistik) K Mg Ms
- Studies in Church and Mission (Kyrko- och missionsstudier) K Mg Ms (until spring 2025)
- Studies in Faiths and Worldviews (Tros- och livsåskådningsvetenskap) K Mg Ms (until spring 2025)
- Sustainable Destination Development (Hållbar destinationsutveckling) Mg Ms (until 30 December 2026)
- Sustainable Development (Hållbar utveckling) Mg Ms
- Sustainable Energy Transition (Hållbar energiomställning) K
- Swedish (Svenska) K Mg Ms
- Swedish as a Second Language (Svenska som andraspråk) K Mg Ms
- Technology (Teknik) K Mg Ms
- Textile Studies (Textilvetenskap) K Mg Ms
- Theoretical Philosophy (Teoretisk filosofi) K Mg Ms
- Translation (Översättning) Mg Ms
- Turkic Languages (Turkiska språk) K Mg Ms
- Urban Studies (Urbana studier) Mg Ms
- Water Engineering (Vattenteknik) Mg Ms
- Welfare Law (Välfärdsrätt) Mg
- Wind Power Project Management (Vindkraftsprojektering) K Mg Ms
Minor fields of study in a Bachelor's degree
At Uppsala University a Bachelor's degree, in addition to a main field of study, also must contain at least one minor field of study of at least 30 credits. (Bachelor's degrees with Religious Studies as the main field are exempt from this requirement.) All main fields of study can constitute a minor field of study in a degree with another main field of study. In addition, following disciplines can constitute a minor field of study in a Bachelor's degree.
Minor fields of study
- American Studies (USA-kunskap)
- Ancient Languages and Cultures (Tidiga språk och kulturer)
- Arabic (Arabiska)
- Aramaic/Syriac (Arameiska/syriska)
- Assyriology (Assyriologi) (until spring 2025, cf. main fields of study)
- Bulgarian (Bulgariska)
- Celtic Languages (Keltiska språk)
- Comparative Indo-European Language Studies (Jämförande indoeuropeisk språkforskning)
- Database Technology (Databasteknik)
- Expression in Convergent Media (Gestaltning i konvergerande medier)
- Hebrew (Hebreiska)
- Hungarian (Ungerska)
- Kurdish (Kurdiska)
- Liberal Arts (Liberal arts)
- Local Government and Social Politics (Kommunkunskap med socialpolitik)
- Middle Eastern Studies (Mellanösternstudier)
- Persian (Persiska)
- Professional Oriented Religious Studies (Yrkesrelaterad religionsvetenskap) (until spring 2025)
- Saami (Samiska)
- Special Education (Specialpedagogik)
- Swahili (Swahili)
- Swedish for Foreign Students (Svenska för utländska studerande)
In-depth level
A course's in-depth level indicates the education cycle, the first or second cycle. It also indicates the in-depth level of the course in relation to other courses within the same main field of study according to the requirements for general degrees. The information about the in-depth level is shown in the course syllabus with different codes:
First cycle
- G1N: has only upper-secondary level entry requirements
- G1F: has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
- G1E: contains specially designed degree project for Higher Education Diploma
- G2F: has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
- G2E: has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements, contains degree project for Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science
- GXX: in-depth level of the course cannot be classified
Second cycle
- A1N: has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
- A1F: has second-cycle course/s as entry requirements
- A1E: contains degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (60 credits)
- A2E: contains degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (120 credits)
- AXX: in-depth level of the course cannot be classified