Erasmus+ is a European grant programme that gives students the opportunity to study and conduct traineeships in Europe, as well as some selected countries outside of Europe, with a grant from Erasmus. Erasmus+ is well known and a good merit with employers both in Sweden and abroad.
What is Erasmus+?
Since 1992, Sweden has been a part of the Erasmus programme. A lot has happened since then and the programme has grown to include for example exchange studies, traineeships and mobility for teachers and staff.
Erasmus+ is financed through the European commission. If you want to know more about the Erasmus programme, visit the European commission’s website.
To be a part of the Erasmus+ programme, a university has to have an Erasmus charter. The charter describes what commitments the university has towards the grant holder and vice versa. You can read more about what rights and obligations you as an Erasmus grant holder has in the Erasmus Student Charter Pdf, 643 kB..
Uppsala University has its own Erasmus charter Pdf, 539 kB. and its own Erasmus Policy Statement Pdf, 285 kB. that describes why Uppsala University has chosen to be a part of the Erasmus+ programme.

Erasmus Traineeships within the EU
Study-related activities within the EU, as well as in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Serbia, or Turkey, with a Erasmus Traineeship grant.
Erasmus Traineeships outside EU
Possibility to carry out traineeships or field studies in selected countries outside the EU with an Erasmus Traineeship grant from the European Commission.
Erasmus studies within the EU
Studerar en eller två terminer på ett universitet inom Europa med ett stipendium från Europeiska kommissionen.
Erasmus studies outside the EU (ICM)
Studera en eller två terminer i utvalda länder utanför EU med stipendium från Europeiska kommissionen.
Blended mobility
Läs en kurs i ett så kallat blandat undervisningsformat med ett stipendium från Europeiska kommissionen.