COVID-19 report, 24 September
Uppsala University has 27 confirmed cases of COVID-19 to report this week, 20 among students and 7 among employees. Region Uppsala reports that the impact of COVID-19 on the region’s health services remains slight.
As foreseen in last week’s report, a break in the infection trend is now evident.
“We hope this will continue and that the decrease in confirmed infections will carry on in the weeks to come,” says Uppsala University’s Chief Security Officer Fredrik Blomqvist.
One slight puzzle for Region Uppsala and Uppsala University is that their statistics differ. Region Uppsala, the regional health authority, has recorded considerably fewer individuals linked to Uppsala University who have tested positive than the number reported to the University via the self-reporting function.
“We believe the difference in the statistics derives from students making more widespread use of antigen tests to confirm infection. In these cases, there is no contact with the health authority so our statistics on confirmed cases diverge,” Blomqvist says.
Region Uppsala appeals to individuals who have tested themselves using an antigen test that has turned out positive to supplement the test at one of their test centres.
Get vaccinated!
Without exception, it is still unvaccinated individuals who are most severely affected by COVID-19. So we appreciate every individual who takes their responsibility and goes to the vaccination centre.
In a pilot project, the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology will coordinate bus transport to the vaccination centre for students who have not yet made it there. Accepting the offer is voluntary. More information about this will come separately from the disciplinary domain.
“If the pilot project goes well, the initiative may be extended to other parts of the University. Uppsala University hopes that those offered the chance now will take the opportunity,” says Blomqvist.
Infection status report
The infection situation in brief is as follows: as of 24 September there have been 1,079 confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Uppsala University since the start of the 2020 autumn semester.
This figure breaks down as follows:
- 824 students (+20)
- 255 employees (+7)
- (Beginning in the 2021 autumn semester, the statistics for doctoral students are included in the statistics for employees.)
Report infection and stay updated
If you are confirmed infected, the Communicable Diseases Act requires you to inform people whom you suspect you may have infected. As part of Uppsala University’s efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 infection, the University has created an online procedure to help you do this anonymously.