The Language Workshop
The Language Workshop offers academic language support for all students and PhD students at Uppsala University. We offer free tutorials and lectures on academic writing and oral presentation skills in English and Swedish, as well as academic reading strategies.
Students with reading and writing disabilities are eligible for extra support from the Language Workshop.
A quick guide to the Language Workshop
Courses in Swedish and English
The Language Workshop offers courses in academic writing and speaking skills in English for international students. Courses in English and Swedish are also offered by the Department of English and the Department of Scandinavian Languages.
Courses in English for international students offered by the Language Workshop
Johanna McElwee, Director of Studies, 018-471 68 91
Karin Eklund Åhm, Administrator, 018-471 12 88
Uppsala: English Park Campus, Thunbergsvägen 3L, building 16, room 16-0015
Visby: Campus Gotland, E-building, Almedal Library, room E32
Booked lectures
University employees who wish to invite the Language Workshop to give a lecture or workshop as part of a course or programme, can find more information on our website for university staff.