Cancerfarmakologi och beräkningsmedicin

Inom Cancerfarmakologi och beräkningsmedicin kombinerar vi högproduktiva experimentella metoder med användning av befintliga läkemedel för nya ändamål, nya cellmodeller, primära celler från patienter och beräkningsmetoder, för att skapa nya behandlingsalternativ.
Beskrivning av vår forskning
I forskargruppen för cancerfarmakologi och beräkningsmedicin bedrivs forskning med fokus på hur läkemedel kan användas i cancerbehandling.
Exhaustive in vitro evaluation of the 9-drug cocktail CUSP9 for treatment of glioblastoma
Ingår i Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2024
- DOI för Exhaustive in vitro evaluation of the 9-drug cocktail CUSP9 for treatment of glioblastoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Exhaustive in vitro evaluation of the 9-drug cocktail CUSP9 for treatment of glioblastoma
Comparison of high-throughput single-cell RNA-seq methods for ex vivo drug screening
Ingår i NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 2024
- DOI för Comparison of high-throughput single-cell RNA-seq methods for ex vivo drug screening
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Comparison of high-throughput single-cell RNA-seq methods for ex vivo drug screening
Tumor-specific migration routes of xenotransplanted human glioblastoma cells in mouse brain
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2024
- DOI för Tumor-specific migration routes of xenotransplanted human glioblastoma cells in mouse brain
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Tumor-specific migration routes of xenotransplanted human glioblastoma cells in mouse brain
Ingår i Journal of clinical pharmacology, s. 240-252, 2024
Enrichment of thawed boar spermatozoa with an intact membrane using Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting
Ingår i Animal Reproduction Science, 2024
- DOI för Enrichment of thawed boar spermatozoa with an intact membrane using Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Enrichment of thawed boar spermatozoa with an intact membrane using Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting
Ingår i BMC Palliative Care, 2024
- DOI för Fluid therapy is associated with lower care quality and higher symptom burden during last days of life of patients with cancer: - a population-based register study
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Fluid therapy is associated with lower care quality and higher symptom burden during last days of life of patients with cancer: - a population-based register study
OCT1 (SLC22A1) transporter kinetics and regulation in primary human hepatocyte 3D spheroids
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2024
- DOI för OCT1 (SLC22A1) transporter kinetics and regulation in primary human hepatocyte 3D spheroids
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av OCT1 (SLC22A1) transporter kinetics and regulation in primary human hepatocyte 3D spheroids
- DOI för Exploratory insights from the immuno-oncology hollow fiber assay: A pilot approach bridging In Vitro and In Vivo models
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Exploratory insights from the immuno-oncology hollow fiber assay: A pilot approach bridging In Vitro and In Vivo models
Ingår i BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2024
- DOI för Immuno-oncological effects of standard anticancer agents and commonly used concomitant drugs: an in vitro assessment
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Immuno-oncological effects of standard anticancer agents and commonly used concomitant drugs: an in vitro assessment
Ingår i Anti-Cancer Drugs, s. 92-102, 2023
- DOI för Assessment in vitro of interactions between anti-cancer drugs and noncancer drugs commonly used by cancer patients
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Assessment in vitro of interactions between anti-cancer drugs and noncancer drugs commonly used by cancer patients
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2023
- DOI för Influence of extracellular matrix composition on tumour cell behaviour in a biomimetic in vitro model for hepatocellular carcinoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Influence of extracellular matrix composition on tumour cell behaviour in a biomimetic in vitro model for hepatocellular carcinoma
Ingår i ESMO Open, 2023
Ingår i Clinical Cancer Research, s. 2826-2834, 2023
Disease phenotype prediction in multiple sclerosis
Ingår i iScience, 2023
- DOI för Disease phenotype prediction in multiple sclerosis
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Disease phenotype prediction in multiple sclerosis
Aminopeptidases in Cancer, Biology and Prospects for Pharmacological Intervention
Ingår i Current Cancer Drug Targets, s. 25-46, 2023
Ingår i Journal of Autoimmunity, 2023
- DOI för Extracellular vesicles opsonized by monomeric C-reactive protein (CRP) are accessible as autoantigens in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and associate with autoantibodies against CRP
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Extracellular vesicles opsonized by monomeric C-reactive protein (CRP) are accessible as autoantigens in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and associate with autoantibodies against CRP
Ingår i Cardiovascular Toxicology, s. 255-264, 2023
- DOI för Electronic Cigarette Vaping with Nicotine Causes Increased Thrombogenicity and Impaired Microvascular Function in Healthy Volunteers: A Randomised Clinical Trial
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Electronic Cigarette Vaping with Nicotine Causes Increased Thrombogenicity and Impaired Microvascular Function in Healthy Volunteers: A Randomised Clinical Trial
Ingår i Reproduction in domestic animals, s. 1569-1575, 2023
- DOI för Evaluation of domestic animal sperm head morphology via flow cytometric DNA labelling and pulse shape analysis using bull and stallion spermatozoa as model species
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Evaluation of domestic animal sperm head morphology via flow cytometric DNA labelling and pulse shape analysis using bull and stallion spermatozoa as model species
Managing leukemia patients via liquid biopsy and super rolling circle amplification (superRCA)
Ingår i Journal of Internal Medicine, s. 228-237, 2023
Ingår i Clinical Cancer Research, s. 4139-4152, 2023
- DOI för Single-Cell RNA Analysis Reveals Cell-Intrinsic Functions of CAR T Cells Correlating with Response in a Phase II Study of Lymphoma Patients
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Single-Cell RNA Analysis Reveals Cell-Intrinsic Functions of CAR T Cells Correlating with Response in a Phase II Study of Lymphoma Patients
Preclinical tumor-immune modeling: For the identification of immunomodulatory drugs
Ingår i BMC Cancer, 2023
- DOI för Phenotypic screening platform identifies statins as enhancers of immune cell-induced cancer cell death
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Phenotypic screening platform identifies statins as enhancers of immune cell-induced cancer cell death
Ingår i International Journal of Oncology, 2022
- DOI för Ex vivo assessment of cancer drug sensitivity in epithelial ovarian cancer and its association with histopathological type, treatment history and clinical outcome
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Ex vivo assessment of cancer drug sensitivity in epithelial ovarian cancer and its association with histopathological type, treatment history and clinical outcome
Ingår i NATURE CANCER, s. 156, 2022
- DOI för Pharmacological targeting of MTHFD2 suppresses acute myeloid leukemia by inducing thymidine depletion and replication stress
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Pharmacological targeting of MTHFD2 suppresses acute myeloid leukemia by inducing thymidine depletion and replication stress
Vilande cancerceller: Tredimensionella cellmodeller för utvärdering av nya cancerläkemedel
Immune-Proteome Profiling in Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Tumor Diagnostic Tissue
Ingår i Cancers, 2022
- DOI för Immune-Proteome Profiling in Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Tumor Diagnostic Tissue
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Immune-Proteome Profiling in Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Tumor Diagnostic Tissue
Ingår i Pain, s. 1999-2013, 2022
- DOI för Lysophophatidylcholine 16:0 mediates chronic joint pain associated to rheumatic diseases through acid-sensing ion channel 3
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Lysophophatidylcholine 16:0 mediates chronic joint pain associated to rheumatic diseases through acid-sensing ion channel 3
Selective radiosensitization by nitazoxanide of quiescent clonogenic colon cancer tumour cells
Ingår i Oncology Letters, 2022
- DOI för Selective radiosensitization by nitazoxanide of quiescent clonogenic colon cancer tumour cells
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Selective radiosensitization by nitazoxanide of quiescent clonogenic colon cancer tumour cells
Ingår i European Urology Open Science, s. 38-45, 2022
- DOI för Ilixadencel, a Cell-based Immune Primer, plus Sunitinib Versus Sunitinib Alone in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Randomized Phase 2 Study
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Ilixadencel, a Cell-based Immune Primer, plus Sunitinib Versus Sunitinib Alone in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Randomized Phase 2 Study
Ingår i Nature Communications, 2022
- DOI för Cell-lineage controlled epigenetic regulation in glioblastoma stem cells determines functionally distinct subgroups and predicts patient survival
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Cell-lineage controlled epigenetic regulation in glioblastoma stem cells determines functionally distinct subgroups and predicts patient survival
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2022
- DOI för Sorafenib and nitazoxanide disrupt mitochondrial function and inhibit regrowth capacity in three-dimensional models of hepatocellular and colorectal carcinoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Sorafenib and nitazoxanide disrupt mitochondrial function and inhibit regrowth capacity in three-dimensional models of hepatocellular and colorectal carcinoma
Surgical waiting times and all-cause mortality in patients with non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Ingår i Scandinavian journal of urology, s. 383-390, 2022
- DOI för Surgical waiting times and all-cause mortality in patients with non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Surgical waiting times and all-cause mortality in patients with non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Ingår i New Biotechnology, s. 21-29, 2022
- DOI för Plasma protein biomarker profiling reveals major differences between acute leukaemia, lymphoma patients and controls
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Plasma protein biomarker profiling reveals major differences between acute leukaemia, lymphoma patients and controls
Single-cell transcriptional pharmacodynamics of trifluridine in a tumor-immune model
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2022
- DOI för Single-cell transcriptional pharmacodynamics of trifluridine in a tumor-immune model
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Single-cell transcriptional pharmacodynamics of trifluridine in a tumor-immune model
Metabolomics: The Stethoscope for the Twenty-First Century
Ingår i Medical principles and practice, s. 301-310, 2021
- DOI för Metabolomics: The Stethoscope for the Twenty-First Century
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Multi‐cohort profiling reveals elevated CSF levels of brain‐enriched proteins in Alzheimer’s disease
Ingår i Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, s. 1456-1470, 2021
- DOI för Multi‐cohort profiling reveals elevated CSF levels of brain‐enriched proteins in Alzheimer’s disease
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Multi‐cohort profiling reveals elevated CSF levels of brain‐enriched proteins in Alzheimer’s disease
Ingår i Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, s. 629-640, 2021
- DOI för Different Inflammatory Signatures in Alzheimer's Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Different Inflammatory Signatures in Alzheimer's Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia Cerebrospinal Fluid
Melphalan flufenamide inhibits osteoclastogenesis by suppressing proliferation of monocytes
Ingår i Bone Reports, 2021
Ingår i Cytokine, 2021
- DOI för Increased levels of plasma cytokines and correlations to organ failure and 30-day mortality in critically ill Covid-19 patients
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Increased levels of plasma cytokines and correlations to organ failure and 30-day mortality in critically ill Covid-19 patients
Conditions for maintenance of hepatocyte differentiation and function in 3D cultures
Ingår i iScience, 2021
- DOI för Conditions for maintenance of hepatocyte differentiation and function in 3D cultures
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Conditions for maintenance of hepatocyte differentiation and function in 3D cultures
Ingår i Genes, 2021
- DOI för DNA Methylation Signatures Predict Cytogenetic Subtype and Outcome in Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av DNA Methylation Signatures Predict Cytogenetic Subtype and Outcome in Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2021
- DOI för A phase 2a clinical study on the safety and efficacy of individualized dosed mebendazole in patients with advanced gastrointestinal cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av A phase 2a clinical study on the safety and efficacy of individualized dosed mebendazole in patients with advanced gastrointestinal cancer
Ingår i Blood Advances, s. 1003-1016, 2021
Plasma proteome profiling of cardiotoxicity in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Ingår i Cardio-Oncology, 2021
- DOI för Plasma proteome profiling of cardiotoxicity in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Plasma proteome profiling of cardiotoxicity in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Metabolic drift in the aging nervous system is reflected in human cerebrospinal fluid
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2021
- DOI för Metabolic drift in the aging nervous system is reflected in human cerebrospinal fluid
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Metabolic drift in the aging nervous system is reflected in human cerebrospinal fluid
Toll-like receptor 4 methylation grade is linked to depressive symptom severity
Ingår i Translational Psychiatry, 2021
- DOI för Toll-like receptor 4 methylation grade is linked to depressive symptom severity
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Toll-like receptor 4 methylation grade is linked to depressive symptom severity
Ingår i F1000 Research, s. 513-513, 2021
Ingår i Trials, 2021
- DOI för COVIDENZA - A prospective, multicenter, randomized PHASE II clinical trial of enzalutamide treatment to decrease the morbidity in patients with Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av COVIDENZA - A prospective, multicenter, randomized PHASE II clinical trial of enzalutamide treatment to decrease the morbidity in patients with Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Mebendazole is unique among tubulin-active drugs in activating the MEK-ERK pathway
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2020
- DOI för Mebendazole is unique among tubulin-active drugs in activating the MEK-ERK pathway
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Mebendazole is unique among tubulin-active drugs in activating the MEK-ERK pathway
Targeting aggressive osteosarcoma with a peptidase-enhanced cytotoxic melphalan flufenamide
- DOI för Targeting aggressive osteosarcoma with a peptidase-enhanced cytotoxic melphalan flufenamide
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Targeting aggressive osteosarcoma with a peptidase-enhanced cytotoxic melphalan flufenamide